the fuckin weather thread

The weather has been so bitchin as of late. The most beautiful crescent moon bloodied the sky in all its crimson glory last evening. Then this morning, the Sun, my God the Sun... Incandescently rose from the east to honor Apollo and the goddesses that suckle his solar wand. As far as the temperature goes, it has been absolutely Perfect!
We got a tease of fall the last few days here. It was so nice waking up to a crisp 50 degree morning. Looks like it will be back in the mid 80's by the weekend though.
it was in the 80's all last week, twas quite nice. back in the mid 90's this week though :bah:

i expect it to stay warm for a while longer. i remember the days when we'd go to the state fair in early october and it'd be chilly outside. doesn't happen anymore. we're lucky if it's even a tad chilly on halloween night.
The weather the last couple days here has been annoying. In the morning its been kind of cold, like mid 40s, but then by early afternoon its been around 75. The weather needs to make up its mind.
Supposedly, its going to snow here starting tomorrow night. Ridiculous... its only fucking October.

Edit: Worst part, it was fucking 80 today, and tomorrow its gonna be around 60, and friday in the 30's. Then back up.

Fucking weather.