the fuckin weather thread

so what is this I hear ... 117 degrees in most parts of SoCal?

I'm not sure it'll get that high but...

In Los Angeles it was 101° and supposed to be 102° today. So I'm sure in some parts of Southern California it will be a few degrees warmer.

This is fucking horrid. Summer is going to be a bitch already.
It's just about 100 degrees today... sitting here in my boxers with 3 fans pointing at me, and its still not enough. Fuck this!

Luckily Wednesday its supposed to go down to the mid 50's.
24 hours ago it was 90 degrees... right now, its fucking snowing and around 30 degrees. Seriously, a 60 degree drop. Oddest weather I've ever had the chance to experience. Have never seen it go from scorching hot to snow, let alone this in the middle of May. No spring this year, just rapid shifts between winter, summer, and back to winter again.

Actually, I believe that we set a record high yesterday and may set a record low today... WHAT THE FUCK.
Welp, I'm sitting outside, and I dare say that it is quite cool out here. Yar, finally! Whoa, a dead leaf just fell on me! :kickass:
this is real horse shit already ... out of 21 days this month, 17 have been cloudy and raining ... worst June in NYC history.