the fuckin weather thread

Hey so, none of you are allowed to bitch about it being cold where you live anymore, even you swedes. It was -25 last night and will probably get to -30 or lower tonight. The film around your eyes starts to freeze and you feel like your lungs are filling with ice (they probably are).
Hey so, none of you are allowed to bitch about it being cold where you live anymore, even you swedes. It was -25 last night and will probably get to -30 or lower tonight. The film around your eyes starts to freeze and you feel like your lungs are filling with ice (they probably are).

We've borrowed some deathcold winds from Siberia around here for the last weeks, so we've been around there for a while (local peaks at -44 C are the worst I've heard, not quite that bad down here by the coast though) but it seems to have passed by now.
Yea it's been an adjustment getting used to the cold for sure, that and being 10,000 feet above sea level too. The upside of that, is you get to wear a t-shirt when it's 25 degrees since the sun is so much more intense at high altitude.
Hey so, none of you are allowed to bitch about it being cold where you live anymore, even you swedes. It was -25 last night and will probably get to -30 or lower tonight. The film around your eyes starts to freeze and you feel like your lungs are filling with ice (they probably are).

You've got me beat, since around Kansas City, the coldest it got was 5-10 Fahrenheit below zero.
i need a day when I can drive with the window down and feel the warm breeze.

but I realized that I actually do like to have all 4 seasons ... for awhile I was craving constant heat and balmy temps and live in a tropical climate.
the reality is that having that first real spring day after a shitty cold spell wouldn't feel as awesome though.
Blazing fuckin hot outside
yes! it's been a consecutive three days of spring

not getting my hopes up though, i know how this shit works by now
Speaking of weather, there were hailstones the size of FUCKING TENNIS BALLS here at the weekend. Smashed windows, dented cars, destroyed laser lite roofs. Spewin' I was elsewhere and didn't get to witness it.
Today was the hottest day ever recorded in downtown L.A. 113 degrees, dios mio! With that being said it's been fairly bearable, almost like I went on a holiday to Tahiti. However, commuting anywhere is tantamount to swimming Stygian in a bear suit. With no A/C in my auto, driving on the fwy felt like running through a gauntlet of blow driers, swamp ass met bog balls, a nether region christened New Orleans.
Yeah uh, thanks for switching weather with us. It was a crisp 75 degrees here today. In the shade the breeze was actually chilly! Eating lunch outside = win.
Grey. Gray. Grey. Gray. Wind. Rain. More Rain. Rain-jacket giving up.

Wish I could beam back to SF, where summer went on vacation right now.