the fuckin weather thread

I had this friend in college who (when the temp was high and others were commenting on such topic) would always say...

"It's not hot, it's human. Come on, HUmid, HUman"

then would ramble on about some freemason lizard race that's controlling the world and global warming is happening so that these lizard men would be comfortable.
i am SO sick of feeling burnt to a crisp on my way home from work every day. burrrrrrrn. sunnnnnnn. burrrrrnnnnn :bah:

the leaves are starting to change color, but by the time the temperature goes down to normal autumn level i'm afraid that the leaves will be gone completely :(

fuckin' weather
it's 38 degrees F outside and we're having a damn thunderstorm. a few degrees colder and maybe i'll finally get to see a snowy tornado!
ok while derick and i were gone, apparently it got down into the 20's and teens overnight. it was still in the 30's and 40's during the day when we got back three days ago.

it's 76 freaking degrees out right now. WTF.
holy hell it is sunny, 66 degrees, and windy as fvck. i've been sitting here listening to what sounds like a hurricane outside. apparently the gusts are over 50 mph (could be worse), but there are grassfires everywhere from snapped power lines, and derick just saw a grocery store roof that had blown off and fallen on cars!
the first proper snow of the season

How much would the house cost that is on the corner in the middle of the pic? Looks like a neat place.
Where do you live, Lurch?

Near a train station one mil?!

I thought only Arlington is crazy.

in Queens, NYC ... that's the Long Island Rail Road ... which is like an express into Manhattan ... the houses near it are probably 100K extra just because of this convenience.
^ ahhhh ... NYC explains it...
Arlington is being compared to NYC prices all the time on newspapers here...
If I'd live in NYC, I'd prolly pay extra to live near the train to the city as well...

hehe :)

BTW- awesome snow!
sunny and 83 degrees F today, after being in the 60's for the past week or so. then tomorrow's high isn't going to get out of the 50's.

but's hot outside *wipes sweat*