the fuckin weather thread

wating until this shit stops and the trucks come buy to clean the street ... I need to actually go out and get some food ... nothing in the damn house.
then later ... maybe tonight, will attempt to dig out the car
Yeah I give California a lot of guff, but GOD DAMMIT am I ever happy that I don't have to deal with shoveling snow.
MadeInNewJersey said:
So...let's see, you knew that possibly 2 feet of snow was coming and you didn't go get food beforehand?

Nice work!

it's not like I live in the woods ... huge supermarket down the street and plenty of other eateries within walking distance ...
snow like this is cool to look at, that's about it. it completely fucks up driving and basically even going outside of your house for like 2 minutes. it's still coming down here and... like... we're looking at probably 16 inches so far. my dad is a fucking trooper though, glad we've got a neat plow.
2 hours ago ...


2 minutes ago .... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK !!!

hahahahaha oh man, and to think yesterday I was complaining about blue skies and 80 degree weather. :loco:
yeah, from both fucking sides ... my landlord cleaned the sidewalk ... well at least I can get out of the house.

@nad ... they are forecasting by mid week temperatures back in the 50's
My neighbor helped out a little bit, we got the front of my driveway, the apron, 2/3 of the sidewalk, my front walk & steps done.

But fuck that, I don't care if I can get my car out at this point (I can't), and my downstairs neighbor can fend for himself. :lol: