the fuckin weather thread

hahaha ... yeah, lots of people cross country ski around here, plus that big park is around the corner from me, plus the whole area is well to do people (except me) and they have all these kind of posh hobbies ...
another pic from a minute ago ... yes, this is NYC :lol:

need to figure out a way to do something fun out today ... supposed to snow another 4 hours ... fuck ...
maybe will go out and take some photos.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Yeah, I pretty much associate weather up there as Seattle = Vancouver, rarely gets below 45 F

it's a bit colder in vancouver than seattle usually. But not by much. Usually we spend all winter just below 0 at night, and thenc limbing to just over in the day. This summer we are like hovering around 10 degreesC.