The further adventures of phloggy.


Apr 13, 2001
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Earlier in phloggy's life:

Starting from when we first meet our hero in early 2000:

  • phloggy gets a job at Ansett !yay!
  • phloggy loses job at Ansett !boo!
  • phloggy gets a job with Tesna !yay!
  • phloggy loses job with Tesna !boo!
  • phloggy gets a new job with ex-Tesna people !yay!
  • phloggy loses partner of 8.5 years !boo!

Now on to the current chapter:

phloggy loses job with ex-Tesna people !boo!

Stay tuned for the next exciting installment.....

What can I say but

So, anyone out there need a software developer? Anyone? What about a scapegoat? I've done that before too. Maybe I should just stay unemployed for a while. At least that would be stable.
Ill give you a game of Battlefield 1942 when I get my new pc next week, kicking someones ass (i.e. mine) who is even more pathetic than you is always therapeutic so im told.
I also own Medal Of Honour, so consider my ass well and truly kicked once I get my pc up and running :D
That all said, Phloggy, do you again want no sympathy or reassuring pats on the head like when you lost your partner of 8.5 years? Because I'm prepared to talk all blokey to ya and tell you to stop whinging like a big girl. :)
Didn't know I was whinging. It's actually a bit more complicated than being just plain unemployed, and i've been through it a number of times now so it's not as big a deal as it could be. So I can go either way. Whatever you're comfortable with Spiff.
Shit man, that all sounds pretty harsh. I think a swift elbow to the testicles is due to all those who've done you over.