The future of metal

The real question is, what is the future of music? What tapestry of frequency have we not unfathomed with these ancient tools of vibration? The microwave itself was discovered by mistake, who is to say another instrument of death/music/sexual perversion could not be found between the cheeks of current fields of research?
The long-term future of music probably lies within electronica, sadly. We've gone from live bands to phonographs to albums to CDs to digital, and from organs to keyboards and synthesizers, and from acoustic guitars to increasingly advanced electric guitars. Bleeps and bloops will probably define popular music in 50 years.

But maybe there'll be some sort of interesting revolution within techno.
The real question is, what is the future of music? What tapestry of frequency have we not unfathomed with these ancient tools of vibration? The microwave itself was discovered by mistake, who is to say another instrument of death/music/sexual perversion could not be found between the cheeks of current fields of research?

Dethklok has recorded on water.
The long-term future of music probably lies within electronica, sadly. We've gone from live bands to phonographs to albums to CDs to digital, and from organs to keyboards and synthesizers, and from acoustic guitars to increasingly advanced electric guitars. Bleeps and bloops will probably define popular music in 50 years.

But maybe there'll be some sort of interesting revolution within techno.
IN THE YEAR TWO-THOUUUSAAAAND... bleeps and bloops define popular music? Absurd, if you ask me. Even while mp3s have changed the shape of the 'music industry', people still buy vinyl and cassettes; people still go out to see live music. People still pound on skins and strum strings. As long as this world lasts (which is the real question here), I doubt these things will ever go away entirely, even while new sounds, instruments, formats, and venues are introduced.
IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAAAAAND...Actual drummers will be replaced by black children from inner cities. This will be in an effort to promote youth to participate in positive efforts and community projects. The result, however, will be 12 major label death metal bands with no blast beats and a strong 'urban' (read: African), tribal, influence. Thus a revolt of Neo-Socialist black metal bands will leave a trail of black corpses for the better part of 8 years. In an effort to be 'grim' and 'kvlt' and outdo other genres/bands, Norwegian black metal bands and American death metal bands will unite, killing off Neo-Socialist bm bands. This will leave President Obama no choice but to acknowledge these 'heros' as important mainstays in 'black' culture, as well as purveyors of diversity and honor. People will no longer like metal.
In the yeeeaarrrr threeeee the yeeeeeaaaarrr threeee thoouuuussaaaannnddd......"Kelly osbourne will find a new career in the music industry.....when it is discovered that whales blow holes can be used as instruments..."
In the yeeeaarrrr threeeee the yeeeeeaaaarrr threeee thoouuuussaaaannnddd......"Kelly osbourne will find a new career in the music industry.....when it is discovered that whales blow holes can be used as instruments..."

I love psychedelic metal!

Anyway I think that Asian folk music is going to have a serious impact on metal, what with the spread of Anime across cultures.

I'm thinking of getting my first fretless bass marked with both Japanese semitones and standard fret markers.
Plenty of psychedelic metal around, has been for a long time. If stuff like Boris, Earthless, Comets On Fire, certain Acid Mothers Temple records, etc. isn't psychedelic enough for you, then perhaps you should look at bands like Finnish 'kraut' rockers Circle, whose album Katapult is like David Bowie meets, I dunno, Arcturus. There's a new Portland band called Yoga whose album Megafauna is drawing from black metal as well as stuff like Goblin. And there's plenty of heavier doom metal/stoner rock that crosses into psychedelic terrain. I would also consider black metal like S.V.E.S.T. to be pretty psychedelic. Maybe you have something else in mind?