The Gaming Thread

Tracer has no butt, gimme a break.

Widowmaker has the best butt.
D.VA is the best waifu for gamer
Mercy would be fapable, but she's german and that turns me off.
Unless of course it's Tasha cosplaying tracer

I like only 3 profiles of cosplayers on facebook, 2 female and 1 male, no obssession m8.


Maul Cosplay bitches. Im not gay, but im gay when im looking at him
what have i missed? you're not talking about the win pose change for tracer? :p

That is exactly what I'm talking about. It's a slippery slope. As soon as you start to cater to the whims of the perpetually offended, you set a bad precedent for others.

If you want to protect your 5-year-old daughter from the evils shown in a shooting game marked "Ages 17 and up", maybe you need to explore other solutions than whining to the game developer about it. And the game developer needs to grow a spine and tell them to fuck off. But they won't because money is more important to them than integrity. Just like Riot.

I mean, look at Valve. Hoards of people literally begging to them, to change so many things in CSGO and Dota but they don't give a shit (never thought this would be a compliment, but in this case, it somehow is).
I still remember when they changed Katarina's xmas skin. When recalling, she was "summoning" a candy cane and dancing around it for a while.

In the meantime Nidalee is still dancing around her spear in way more sexual way, but i think its okay cos shes not really white :3

Also, fuck riot for ruining my waifu Katarina, in the last cinematic they gave her disgusting 6pack, ridicilous useless bra design and thongs reaching to her armpits. Thats disgusting but it didnt caused an outrage all of a sudden so i dont really know how SJW work these days.
Anyway, fuck riot, fuck blizzard for their fanboys and fuck valve for not changing things that really need to be changed.

They want to start their PRIME account program (you need to connect your steam acc to phone number, so you will only be matchmaking with the peoople who did the same. That was supposed to help with cheaters and smurfs).
And its been over a month and still every game i encounter some fag with 20 hours either hacking or smurfing or just sucking at the game, its not fun, it made me stop playing this cancer of a game. I refuse to play it until they come up with something that I wont have to add 50 % of players (on my or enemy team) on my vaclist and see them banned after half year.
And finally, if you have a cheater in your team and you dont report him or kick him, just die from cancer.
That is exactly what I'm talking about. It's a slippery slope. As soon as you start to cater to the whims of the perpetually offended, you set a bad precedent for others.

yes, i agree. but in this case i thought it was justified since it's not even supposed to be a sexy character to begin with. if it had been a succubus or something like that, now that would've been an entirely different story.
yes, i agree. but in this case i thought it was justified since it's not even supposed to be a sexy character to begin with. if it had been a succubus or something like that, now that would've been an entirely different story.
Sure, she's not a sexy character but it wasn't a sexy pose to begin with.


Seriously, in what fucking world is THIS sexy? I mean if THIS is sexy then I'm afraid people have disappointingly low standards for sexy.

Edit : Holy shit, the polish peasant and I agree on something. I hadn't read his reply until I typed my own.
Nowadays for hungry virgins a mere sight of woman's back is a sexy pose so yea.

I might be virgin myself, but i have superior taste and 99,999999% females are not sexy
europe must suck then cause summer just hit here and its thick asses errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvrywhere

That is exactly what I'm talking about. It's a slippery slope. As soon as you start to cater to the whims of the perpetually offended, you set a bad precedent for others.

If you want to protect your 5-year-old daughter from the evils shown in a shooting game marked "Ages 17 and up", maybe you need to explore other solutions than whining to the game developer about it. And the game developer needs to grow a spine and tell them to fuck off. But they won't because money is more important to them than integrity. Just like Riot.

I mean, look at Valve. Hoards of people literally begging to them, to change so many things in CSGO and Dota but they don't give a shit (never thought this would be a compliment, but in this case, it somehow is).

one of the many reasons d3 sucks ass now. people begged for a game that was the opposite of the auction house. and they damn well got it. played this season for a couple hours and was beyond bored. its a crazy mix of getting force fed all the gear you'll ever need in the first hour, then spending the next 500 hours grinding out slightly better versions of the same gear (seriously, ancient gear, same thing with 20% higher stats).

the main selling point of this season is grinding for pets....fucking pets lol
Depends on the girl and their frame.

Really sucks about D3, but i mean it does sound like the end result of any Bluzzard game now.
And I want to play old Tibia all of a sudden.

My first MMO, i still remember this unique atmosphere the game had before retards started playing it. Just chilling in front of depo, crafting runes while chatting with server, getting one shot by a mage, dying from lured Giant Spiders by some douchebag, getting killed while carrying a lootbag and losing 10 % of skills and total exp in a process.

God, this game was amazing.
Just started Dark Souls 3. Not far enough in to make a call, but so far it is pretty easy. I killed that weird ice creature at the beginning (where the sign says turn back), then killed the dude with the big sword stuck in him, and have just arrived at Firelink Shrine without any deaths so far. Hopefully the difficulty will start to go up shortly, but I am enjoying the game regardless.

I am also suffering some FPS drops at the Shrine, but I am in need of a GPU upgrade so I can't blame the game for that.
....Aaaand immediately after I post that I get killed by the scrawny gold guy with the bigass Katana in Firelink.... He caught me completely off guard, I expected a simple fight and got clobbered.

But then when I went to collect my souls, he threw himself off the cliff and dropped all of his gear. That was convenient. :lol:
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