The Gaming Thread

^its my main hobby, so its what i do outside of school, can usually get in a few hours a day.

all my music listening is done on the bus too and from class
omg, silent hill HD looks great, im gonna get that (and trade in my copy of SH2 i never finished :P:P).

also, i have not seen one picture or video of dark souls, i seriously have not even read the description of it. i have it pre-ordered on estarland, i have no idea when it comes out :lol:. im buying it totally blind

Lol. It's out October 4th in the US. Pictures and videos are scarce, there are a few trailers up and a bit of gameplay from E3 and Gamescon, but nothing really telling.

I still don't know what it's about :lol: They've barely released anything. I think the lead dev stated that they wanted to keep most of the game a secret until release.
My first post here :D

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 1,148
User Name Posts
PhlegethonVeins 251
isolation_years 226
DarkGift 106
Belac 89
xX M i A s M a 81
PowerBlade 63
Scavneck 38
gt_jen 31
(The bass player) 24
Qth 24
Adam Stryker 23
Nanain 22
griev0r 21
vikk 20
SatanDevilDiablo 17
Chamet 15
David Hesser 13
salient 12
BastardSonOfGod 10
Remnant of Insanity 9
the_fiend 9
Purple Haze 7
Animaltracks 5
Summonium 4
Bloodisthepriceofglory 3
stfu 3
hexwind 3
w0es 2
DestroyAndDominate 2
Alteredmindeath 2
Wreaths 2
stefan86 2
In The Blood 2
Hox 1
JSaccs 1
vitorias123 1
nocturnalsoul 1
nataSfOtsaeB 1
Cressida 1
darkdreamer 1

Turns out you weren't lying. You nerd.
how can people even find time to play that amount of games

ok i lied, this is the reason


Who Posted?
Total Posts: 1,148
User Name Posts
PhlegethonVeins 251
isolation_years 226
DarkGift 106
Belac 89
xX M i A s M a 81
PowerBlade 63
Scavneck 38
gt_jen 31
(The bass player) 24
Qth 24
Adam Stryker 23
Nanain 22
griev0r 21
vikk 20
SatanDevilDiablo 17
Chamet 15
David Hesser 13
salient 12
BastardSonOfGod 10
Remnant of Insanity 9
the_fiend 9
Purple Haze 7
Animaltracks 5
Summonium 4
Bloodisthepriceofglory 3
stfu 3
hexwind 3
w0es 2
DestroyAndDominate 2
Alteredmindeath 2
Wreaths 2
stefan86 2
In The Blood 2
Hox 1
JSaccs 1
vitorias123 1
nocturnalsoul 1
nataSfOtsaeB 1
Cressida 1
darkdreamer 1

Turns out you weren't lying. You nerd.

:lol: iso/veins thread featuring darkgift belac and miasma (jk)

welcome maja, ever play mario bros 3? (have a feeling its not just the first post but possibly the last :lol:)
i got AvP 2010 recently for 5$, played it for a good week, had a lot of fun as alien and predator tearing people apart.

i got my moneys worth :lol:, but if i had paid 20$ i'd be pissed

got darksiders off steam for 5$, consdiering mount and blade
^I was surprised by Darksiders...fucking excellent game. I was thrilled to hear there was going to be a second installment.

Gears 3 Tuesday. Horde mode 2.0 sounds like something I want to do all the time...and two weeks later, Rage and Dark Souls.

So I'll probably re-enter society sometime in January :lol:
I'm just going to go into hibernation guys, I can't deal with all these amazing games AND go outside in such a small time frame. Between Skyrim (ohhhh yes), Rage, Battlefield 3, Arkham City and Saints row 3 I don't even know how I'm going to find time to eat between work and gaming. This is not even mentioning I still have to play new Deus Ex.

I can't help but feel like I've STILL missed something here, but I am actually glad Mass Effect 3 got delayed. My head is already about to explode into a fountain of confetti and pixels. And root beer.
^My girlfriend and I are buying two copies of Skyrim, and now we're making jokes about how we won't see each other for a month...but I think we both know on some level that it's completely true.