the goatsblood review at metal-rules (dreamlord, npearce, NAD, don't read this!)

tipton said:
i don't expect the normal metalhead to like anything on willowtip. this label is way too forward thinking for most, and most of the bands on this label are pushing metal as far as they can and are trying new things, and not just ripping off the exact sound of many bands. i just put out releases and sign bands that i like, if you would see some of the bands i could have signed that have gone on to sell thousands of albums. i don't give a fuck about any of that, i put out shit i like. i don't sign bands based on dollar signs like other labels. i want to release new and exciting music that for the most part is original. i'm done sending reviews to zines who's opinions i don't care about and don't respect. if you don't like sludge/doom/grind you aren't going to like goatsblood thats for sure and you should stay far far away. if you like any bands in that genre i don't see how you couldn't love the release. besides, metal maniacs, terrorizer, unrestrained, digitalmetal, etc and any zine that actually has reviewers who aren't retarded loved that release.

coming in 2004 new releases from:

capharnaum, commit suicide, necrophagist, arsis, alarum, neuraxis and more.

Speaking as a forward thinking person and lifelong metalhead, and as a fan of ION DISSONANCE, KALIBAS and RUNE, all three of whom are on your label, as well as a fan of EYEHATEGOD and too many to fuckin mention other genres and bands of metal, etc, etc., ad fucking nauseum:


Having gotten that off of my chest, bro, Willowtip's stuff is always taken seriously at RC. :notworthy :kickass:
tipton said:
most of the bands on this label are pushing metal as far as they can and are trying new things
THAT is why I love your label. The majority of bands that I've heard do just that. Certainly not metal for the masses in any sort of sense, which is fine by me.

I listened to Goatsblood before going to bed last night, but finished with one song by the Gathering so I wouldn't have nightmares. :lol:
tipton said:
besides, metal maniacs, terrorizer, unrestrained, digitalmetal, etc and any zine that actually has reviewers who aren't retarded loved that release.
Well, to be fair, one individual reviewer amongst a staff of several cannot fully represent those zines.

Likewise, Royal Carnage has published two completely opposite Goatsblood reviews for the same album, where one in particular captures some of those same sentiments in your post.
Why would anyone take Metal-Rules seriously? Didn't everyone see their "Best Metal Albums of All Time" list?

Best labels at the moment: Willowtip, code666, and Relapse.
It's true that not every zine has similar reviewers, but Terrorizer (the best metal zine in the world) has tried to have reviewers review what they know. In other words, I wouldn't touch a power metal CD because I think it sucks before I hear it. I think that is a good idea when reviewing something. Otherwise your review will only appeal to somebody that has never heard that type of music . . . and they probably won't even be reading the review in the first place.
npearce said:
It's true that not every zine has similar reviewers, but Terrorizer (the best metal zine in the world) has tried to have reviewers review what they know.
I bought a copy the other day. I agree, it is excellent. And I love the fact that they include discographies and other 'behind the scenes' facts of each band they feature. It's a UK import, so expensive though, no? I paid $7 (off the shelf, no CD).

In other words, I wouldn't touch a power metal CD because I think it sucks before I hear it. I think that is a good idea when reviewing something. Otherwise your review will only appeal to somebody that has never heard that type of music . . . and they probably won't even be reading the review in the first place.
Double edge sword, because you could end up just hailing everything as the best release ever if you only review music you prefer. The more general music you appreciate, the more credence there is when making comparisons between genres in reviews. Does that make sense?

I believe that every genre has a stepping stone in between, and to highlight those stepping stones is something I personally like to do. For example, take an open minded individual that likes power metal and turn them on to something like Nile or Death. Why limit your likes to one genre in other words?

I don't see why people should choose one or two genres and say that anything that doesn't fit is automatically crap. It's all about music appreciation at the end of the day, not bandwagons and politics. My job is to spread the love. :)
I get made fun of for liking too many genres, haha.

I'm even listening to some hardcore-influenced stuff that I'm enjoying, never thought that would happen (see Now Playing).
HAHA, I was talking about you making fun of me! :lol: Nothing wrong with a healthy dose of ribbings.

I don't even consider people saying "U lyke NIVRANA?!? UR TEH GAY LOLZOZ!!!!!!1111111111111" as human beings really.
NAD said:
HAHA, I was talking about you making fun of me! :lol:
I do?? Me? I think it fucking RULLLLES that you like King Crimson, Morbid Angel, Primus, and Johan Sebastian Bach.

Notice how that trend applies to all RC staffers by the way. :Smug: We're proud of you kid.
I know, I was just making a comment about the ribbins' that's all. I know they're all in jest. :)

Have you gotten much of a chance to listen to that King Crimson by the way?
Cool, I really do think you'll like it.

Back to Goatballs for a moment:
Josh: I'm sure there are people out there that will enjoy this smoldering pile of feces, but I'm sure there are people that enjoy huffing gasoline and buttfucking their mother or sister, too.
Okay, this is funny, especially if you know Josh's penchant for this type of humor. It actually nearly puts the CD in context too, if you've heard the band you may agree with me. However...
Metal-rules: Only an asshole still listens to the Melvins or Eyehategod, and only an asshole would listen to this, as well.
This is flat out stupid. Poking fun can be used for an advantage in a negative review, but being a jerk is just flat out stupid.

Am I the only one to notice the difference?

Oh yeah, hey Tipton, did you read my Goatsblood review? I gave it an 8/10. :grin:
Oh, I like more genres than most metalheads. I just don't like most any power metal. My favorite releases this year include everything from Nevermore to Khanate. I like hardcore, metalcore, noisecore, thrast, death, black, and so on. That doesn't change the fact that if I know a band is going to be cheesier than a trip to Pizza Hut I won't review it because it would be a terribly biased review. I don't have time to review the mediocre stuff either. I pretty much stick to bands that I'm interested in getting out to the masses. It's my way of spreading the love . . .
Sometimes it's ok to review something you hate. It can be fun. I also realize that people will often read multiple reviews of the same release before they take the plunge.