the goatsblood review at metal-rules (dreamlord, npearce, NAD, don't read this!)

THat MetalGeorge idiot doesn't know shit. He complains that people listen to stuff like Goatsblood, and then gives derivative melo-death like Mors Principium whatever a 3.8/5, and also claims that Finland is the "land where it seems EVERY band kicks ass". sure dude, whatever.
NAD said:
Ali, you would HATE this album. It is a total retread of melodic death.
Oink Oink.

Yes, I liked it when it was called Slaughter of the Soul. And Tom Englund must have needed the money for all those 20 seconds of clean vox.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah we know - although I've seen better pictures of you I must admit. Some of us were clever enough to check out your UM profile, heh. Although this sounds like I'm kissing ass after the recent fun we had at your expense, I actually quite liked the latest Atrox album (and the artwork is cool too), if that's of any consequence.

If you read my Madder Mortem review, my money would be on you kicking that chick's ass.

Is your sister still singing for 3rd and Mortal?

It's OK, I had fun too hehehe... Didn't read the Madder interview. She's a nice gal though so I'm not gonna make my dad kick her dad's guts out...

My sister did a guest appearance on an album by Novembre last year. Haven't heard it myself, but it's a cover version of Kate Bush "Cloudbusting". And she did some vocals for a christian black metal band (!??!) called ANtestor. And Hellhammer plays the drums in this christian band hehehe

Cute animals, guys...
monikaedv said:
My sister did a guest appearance on an album by Novembre last year. Haven't heard it myself, but it's a cover version of Kate Bush "Cloudbusting".
Always liked that song actually. Great video as well with Donald Sutherland.
Speaking of Hellhammer has anyone heard anything about the new Mayhem album? They were recording in a studio but decided to go into the monuntains/woods to get a better sound (?). Cant see how that will help them seeing as they completley obliterated their roots.


Im somewhat anxious to hear this album although i think i will regret it once i hear it. Id just like to see if they continue with this post-industrial electronic Black metal thing or take a new direction.


Oh, they won't have any of the electronic stuff in the new album. They've caved in totally to the fans' demands (or to their own wishes... I'll give them the benefit of the doubt) and the new one is supposed to be raw, fast, back to the roots, the album that will see Mayhem reconquering the throne of BM, etc, etc... Read the news on the official page. I have my doubts.
Sorath said:
According to the band it'll be like nothing before it and that mostly means more drugs and synthesizers but as I said, I'm hopeful.
What? That's not how I'd interpret "everyone should expect Chimera to be much more back to basics and much more brutal than Grand Declaration was."