The good old days

@Duncan: "maternal instinct"?! :err:

Ever heard of post-natal depression? Probably not. It's quite common though.

Up to eight out of 10 new mothers are thought to suffer from postnatal depression.

About four women per 1,000 who give birth have to be treated in hospital.

Up to 50 women a year commit suicide before their child's first birthday as a result of postnatal depression or other psychiatric disorders.

And how about your possible "paternal instincts"? Wouldn't you try to keep your offspring clean and healthy? So better replace "maternal" by "parental". That'd describe it better imho.
snow2fall said:
@Duncan: "maternal instinct"?! :err:

Ever heard of post-natal depression? Probably not. It's quite common though.

Up to eight out of 10 new mothers are thought to suffer from postnatal depression.

About four women per 1,000 who give birth have to be treated in hospital.

Up to 50 women a year commit suicide before their child's first birthday as a result of postnatal depression or other psychiatric disorders.

And how about your possible "paternal instincts"? Wouldn't you try to keep your offspring clean and healthy? So better replace "maternal" by "parental". That'd describe it better imho.
I dont get your point. You are denying that women have maternal instincts because some suffer from postnatal depression?
And where did I say I wouldnt have paternal instincts? and why replace maternal with parental? Must I repeat that Ive wiped other peoples kids arses, bathed them, fed them, dressed them etc?
snow2fall said:
@Duncan: "maternal instinct"?! :err:

Ever heard of post-natal depression? Probably not. It's quite common though.

Up to eight out of 10 new mothers are thought to suffer from postnatal depression.

About four women per 1,000 who give birth have to be treated in hospital.

Up to 50 women a year commit suicide before their child's first birthday as a result of postnatal depression or other psychiatric disorders.

And how about your possible "paternal instincts"? Wouldn't you try to keep your offspring clean and healthy? So better replace "maternal" by "parental". That'd describe it better imho.

thats complete bollox, the only thing wrong is that they cant go out on the piss and shag lads anymore, they have to stay at home and mind the baby, naturally :D

fucking tough! they should of thought about that before uncrossing their legs for joe soap down the road!
Strangelight said:
I dont get your point. You are denying that women have maternal instincts because some suffer from postnatal depression?
I didn't deny anything. It's more than just some women though who suffer from postnatal depression. I can't stand generalizations. I have never felt the slightest need to reproduce myself, nor do I start babbling in baby language as soon as I see an infant or show any other signs of affection or "maternal instincts" when there's kids around. And I know that there are other girls/ women out there who think/ feel the same. Your basics of mother nature don't work 100%. That's all I was saying.
Strangelight said:
either you lot cant read or youre just fucking middle class socio-politico smart arses who are denying the very basic basics of life

You are generalizing quite a lot in this discussion, and the world ain't black/white - though sometimes I wish it was.
But where exactly is the disagreement?

Lets have a real discussion, like where the hell to put the booklet of the new R.E.M. record, there's no place for it, sigh.
so reading all of this, it's like that there is no need to make a big difference between male stuff and female stuff as most tasks are likely to be able to be done by both genders, though putting male nipples into a babies mouth still doesnt make much sense

anyways what i see around me (might be belgium though) is that it takes people much longer to come to that point in life where they learn to be independant and to take care of themselves, there are many tasks like cooking, cleaning and even doing the dishes properly you only get to learn these days living on your own
feels (for me) like things upside down, cause you know your mother/father was obliged doing these things at home, and got classes like 'well behaviour in the kitchen' etc at school
i somehow missed it and wouldn't have minded getting more that kind of really basic stuff, next to all theory classes. hell, i was ashamed with 18 people learnt me how to do the dishes properly, though i noticed my 26year old room mate wasn't able to do them either last year. urm. i guess my kids will help doing dishes. i won't have money for a washing machine anyways.
@siderea It's not a matter about how "difficult" it is to do the dishes, cook food etc, it's just a matter of getting off the ass and do it. Though, when having someone doing it for oneself, it can be quite tricky to actually get to it.