Maybe we're getting closer to god all the time in our endless pursuit for technology,I think we might soon hopefully get a glimpse of whatever is behind the creation of infinity
Inasmuch as God is an idea created to explain natural phenomena that were once a mystery to people, I'd say there's quite a hell of a lot of similarity between God and fairy tales.
I don't like the way you're distinguishing between agnosticism and atheism. Agnosticism very clearly has to do with belief. It's a refusal to take either position on an argument (a suspension of judgment) based on epistemological factors.
Why don't you want to take a position given on the evidence now? It's just a huge cop out to say, I refuse to take a position.'s_wagerConversely, so is atheism.
But pretend that pink unicorns had a lot of followers. How would you feel then? Also btw your argument is based on a logical fallacy (ad populum).What I said wasn't meant to prove anything but the weak nature of the oft-made comparison between believing in God and believing in fairytales.
...Therefore, it makes sense, if you doubt the existence of a god without evidence to support him, to be an atheist who will not change until science or the human scope of logic can fundamentally prove its existence through repeated testing.
You must have some kind of lingering faith which dictates that you do not drift into absolute (with respect to human experience and the incredibly small chance that science can and will somehow touch "God") defiance of the idea of a god existing. I'd suggest you leave this faith since a). it doesn't help you, you're already halfway away from believing, which, to "God" is as good as not believing at all, and b). atheism makes more sense in this case.
But pretend that pink unicorns had a lot of followers. How would you feel then? Also btw your argument is based on a logical fallacy (ad populum).
Because the evidence that I have now does not compel me either way, hence my agnosticism. How is that a cop-out? If I'm not compelled to either position by the evidence then the only reasonable alternative is suspension of judgment. I don't see why you or anybody else is bothered by this position.
YOu a fan of Non Prophets?!
Why don't you believe in the Asatru gods or any other Gods?
You asked for an equivocal example. Other people worship other gods and they think your beliefs are as silly as you do of theirs. So why is your answer right and their answer wrong? You are an atheist with respect to dozens of other gods, but you accept this one.
I guess if you are using Agnosticism that way, fine.
Why don't you want to take a position given on the evidence now? It's just a huge cop out to say, I refuse to take a position. You can make a judgment whether or not god(s) exist, then say how firm you are on those beliefs. Like, "I'm a very agnostic atheist. I don't think there is a god atm, but there is no proof either way."
I specifically use the term atheism to reject the Ambrahamic religions because they directly involve me.