The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

You said in the gaming thread that you had preordered it :S

Yes, one copy, and im mostly interested in online mode and couldnt get another copy for a friend. Will be forced to play single for few days.
Or who knows, since im already installing it for 1 hour he might get his copy before i install mine
Why does diet coke taste like soap? And why my friends decided to buy this one over normal coke? Are they trying to tell me something?
Im not fat. I just take a lot of space.
You don't lose wait over diet coke or coke zero anyway. They replaced the sugar with tons of sweeteners, but people still think it's healthier :confused:

Weight a minute, are you saying Coke Zero doesn't help me lose wait?? The corporations lied to me, just weight until the read my badly written letter by golly!!