The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Because of thieves (or rather scammers) i am at police like once a month. Polacks still think that you can steal just because you are using an auction site.

On ebay I was scammed only once by italian guy (but i despise italians so that wasnt a shock), but no USA citizen, no brits, germans, japanese, hell, even turkish people never stole from me.

So yea, fuck thieves and fuck polacks.
so.. we amped out the Soliloquium guitars with a now broken guitar top that took a whole day to get to the studio.

I'm glad that the source project for one of the guitar ampings wasn't set to 0.976 and ruined that song so we'd have to do it all over again

that would be stupid :)
I have too many interests and I can't focus on any one of them without compromising on others. Or as it was yesterday, on my sleep (does sleep count as an interest)?

Now i'm annoyed and irritable on a Monday morning, having slept 3 hours yesterday. I'm supposed to be refreshed and re-energized after the weekend, god damn it!!

i am working harder than i ever have in my life to be a teacher and am borderline failing.

this hurts quite a bit, my pride and just in general.

i have until wednesday basically. i want so bad to be good at this but i now have serious doubts it is for me, serious doubts about my abilities, and am pretty depressed overall.

but the girl i have been seeing since september is probably the best person ive ever met in my life, and supports me endlessly ive got that going for me which is nice.

ah well, another evening of pure work followed by a day of work, followed by a night of work, followed by...
^If there is one thing that my teacher father taught me, it is that I should never become a teacher. Fuck that shit. Underpaid, underappreciated, overworked, stressed... Nopenopenope!

Sucks for you man, hopefully that chick can lift your spirits :)
i am working harder than i ever have in my life to be a teacher and am borderline failing.

this hurts quite a bit, my pride and just in general.

i have until wednesday basically. i want so bad to be good at this but i now have serious doubts it is for me, serious doubts about my abilities, and am pretty depressed overall.

I know this is stating the obvious – forgive me – but I think you need to remind yourself that teaching is really tough, man. Regardless of the subject, you have to account for a variety of learning styles, personalities, and environments. I'm not sure what you're teaching, when you started, nor if the ultimatum is your own doing or from the school, but if you're just starting out, don't let a few failings bring you down.

Perhaps go to someone you trust and practice a few impromptu lessons and let that person ask questions. This will allow you to build on your extemporaneous speaking skills ('cause who knows what those students will ask), and increase your confidence with the material.

Aside from that, if you have office hours, perhaps just reiterate them. Maybe the issue is some of the students afraid to admit when they aren't getting it; that's common and all you can do is reach out the olive branch.

Good luck, dude.

(Also, congratulations on finding a great, supportive partner!)
all great advice (although opposite :lol:).

thanks guys, i still come here for the odd, tiny group of friends we all are haha.

really appreciate the time you take out of your days to respond :)