The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I cant boost my immune system when I cant dive into snow half naked. Looks like I might get ill this year if the situation wont change. I wasnt ill for like 10 years already.
The guy who I carried yesterday in CSGO is playing today under my nickname.

I should be flattered but im pissed instead. :(

There can be only one Big Paws...
As someone who still sucks at guitaring, it is indeed really fucking hard! People underestimate how difficult it is to play :erk:
I can honestly say I grossly underestimated how hard it would be.

I used to play the keyboard back when I was in my early teens (wasn't exactly stellar at that either, but I could play moderate-difficulty songs at will). But I now realize that playing a keyboard is pretty much the equivalent of a single guitar string in a way, and I have 6 if them to manage when playing a guitar (well, 7 in my case, but I tend to just stay away from the B string for now).

repeat repeat repeat :)
Yup, it's a grind for sure, but now that I have a routine, I at least manage to get an hour or so every day. Maybe I'll get somewhere with my playing in 2 years.
At least you are sticking to a routine. I know a couple people that would buy a sweet ass expensive guitar so they can be a guitar god and then never play it. :p
At least you are sticking to a routine. I know a couple people that would buy a sweet ass expensive guitar so they can be a guitar god and then never play it. :p

Yeah, that was exactly me from February to October this year.

This is what I bought back in February, a Schecter Hellraiser C-7 FR S
