The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

that's an extremely good question o_O
I already answered that question...
Because I'm stupid as fuck, why else do you think?

8 strings or nothing! Posers!

Cant wait for the ice age, at least when everyone will be freezing to death I will have an excuse to hug girls because of my body releasing a lot of heat.
Yea, I got hit yesterday by some ransomware and most of my files are encrypted now, RIP fapfolder, RIP music, rip my fucking thesis :rofl:
Decrypting programs wont work for me, looks like ive been hit by some newest shit. I dont remember browsing anything suspicious yesterday, i was just playing fucking games ;_;
I just had internal argument with myself for over an hour I think.
Since new polish government is a mix of communism and nazism (yea, turn out its posible) and they call themselves a right wing party I dont want to be recognized as rightist, but at the same time im racist and untolerant person, but being progay and proimmigration would cause a huge butthurt in government supporters.

Looks like I will become a leftist this year, since im getting real sick of government propaganda, its worse than whats happening in Ukraine lel.