The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Soundtracks from games are so fucking expensive, especially soundtracks of japanese made games. 100 USD and up because of fucking resellers, sigh...
I fucking hate social justice warriors on the internet.

This hungarian chick wanted to show off a beauty of women in african tribes so she painted her face black and wore african jewelry . Bunch of people from US accused her of doing black face / Well, guess what, average Hungarian doesnt even know the meaning of the black face, not entire world spins around american social problems.
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I fucking hate social justice warriors on the internet.

This hungarian chick wanted to show off a beauty of women in african tribes so she painted her face black and wore african jewelry . Bunch of people from US accused her of doing black face / Well, guess what, average Hungarian doesnt even know the meaning of the black face, not entire world spins around american social problems.

Asians have been doing black face without malicious intention for years, American are just sensitive pussies.
Thats why I always say we need to nuke USA, because they are the root of all this modern society's "problems".
Theyt seriously need war, because when they dont fear for their lives they have enough time to come up with ideas of how to get easily offended.

With states turned to ashes western europe would also stop acting like complete retarda and maybe we could all live peaceful lives.

Of course we would still need to nuke africa and middleeast or build the highest, radioactive wall ever.