The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

the only way to get rid of them is to elect leaders with the balls to do what is necessary
I want to become a full-blown insufferable racist cunt now. Teach me your ways, @Aexalven , my Jimmies have been rustled.

Good, goooood, my young apprentice. Feel the hatred, obtain nukes.

I'd rather vote for Hitler and pay gas tax than read anymore of this shitskin propaganda.

Or just vote for me, I will eradicate everything thats not white and yellow in a year with a fucking virus.
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Whats driving me fucking insane right now is that this new wave of sexual harassment crimes that happened systematically allover Europe on new years eve has been totally fucking spun out of context by the Swedish lefties and feminist parties. Right now all the media is talking about is how all men commits sexual crimes no matter what color of their skin or where they come from. NO FUCKING SHIT?! Fucking geniuses.
What we should be talking about is how we should prevent new problems to arise from this fucking immigration mess, we did not have these problems to this extent before, so we need to stop it from spreading, but no, now its all debate about how all men are sexual animals.
The average man is not a rapist, regardless of ideology or demographic etc. Trauma creates rapists, the middle east has higher male child rape than it does female and so there's a higher amount of male victims that grow up to perpetrate these crimes and that will always be the fundamental shit in the feminist gumbo. You don't teach rapists not to rape, you lock them up.
These feminist idiots are stuck in a fucking loop. It doesnt matter what the argument is about right now all they keep repeating is. "BUT WHITE MEN DO THIS TOO", "THIS IS NOT THEIR CULTURE", "NOT ALL IMMIGRANTS DO THIS". They are so fucking stupid it hurts.
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everyone of voting age needs to vote right-wing political parties who will put a complete stop on the refugee influx AND conduct mass deportations. whichever country you're in. crush the lefties, tell all your friends!