The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

everyone of voting age needs to vote right-wing political parties who will put a complete stop on the refugee influx AND conduct mass deportations. whichever country you're in. crush the lefties, tell all your friends!

Happened in poorland, "right wing" party won, but the only tight wing shit theyre doing is screaming LOL WERE NOT GONNA HAVE ANY FUCKING IMMIGRANTS NUH BROS NOT A SLIM CHANCE and when it comes to economy and law they are fucking commies. Money for everyone! Rob the rich! Imprison anyone that is against us!

Implying that any immigrant, even shitskin would want to live in this shithole. I'd rather have those Syrians and other muslims than pay my taxes to give money to those drunk bandits or cathofucks.

There is no real right wing party here and this is what is pissing me off the most.
And I also love how feminists are confused. First they have to defend the women but at the same time its apes from the south raping those women, so political correctness stops them from blaming them. But they cant blame women soo...

Yes, lets blame white males too :) I dont think i would ever rape any woman from the west because my standards are fucking high, so fuck off feminists.
That's why it's always funny when some oblivious Leftist talks shit about the UK's "Conservative Party" like they're not just basically a Liberal/Progressive party but a pinch more reserved that occasionally spews conservative symbolisms to keep their base voters.
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Yup, exactly. Real right party has no chance of winning the elections because they wont give money to peasants for nothing. We are doomed for socialists forever.

Unless we create a virus that will kill everyone with low income ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's why it's always funny when some oblivious Leftist talks shit about the UK's "Conservative Party" like they're not just basically a Liberal/Progressive party but a pinch more reserved that occasionally spews conservative symbolisms to keep their base voters.
didn't you say somewhere you're left-leaning, CIG?
what lefty ideas do you agree/disagree with? @cig

Whether you consider these Left or just independent libertarian is up to you but generally:

For drug decriminalisation (more libertarian I guess, but also because I'm a capitalist, but this is a very Leftist agenda), gay marriage (if it was strictly a religious ceremony and not entangled with the law I'd be against it), aspects of secularism, transgender rights, pro-choice (though in my personal life I'm against abortion), non-interventionism in places like the middle east.

Against feminism, social constructivism, race/gender politics, communism, social justice, mass immigration, weak borders in general, multiculturalism, militant atheism, welfare state, big government and sadly it seems like pro-gun restrictions has become a Left-wing staple.

I used to consider things like freedom of speech, anti-authoritarianism and anti-censorship as fundamentally Left-wing but these days I'm not so sure, seems like all the advocates of these values are now Right-leaning.

See what I mean by caveats? Haha.
I disagree with more Left-wing things than I do agree, but I'm somewhat mind blanking on essential Left-wing ideas, if you had anything specific in mind feel free to ask.