The Great Depression/Butthurt thread


In THREE weeks THREE people died:
Rickman, aged 69, 9- 6 = 3
Bowie, aged 69, 9-6 = 3
Lemmy, aged 70, but it was right after his birthday, so we still can count as 69. 9-6 = 3
All THREE of them died from cancer.

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And yet again I have to say how i hate current poorlish government.

It was already hard to buy luxury items from abroad because they were fucking expensive and for 1 dollar we paid 3.30 PLN and for euro 3.80 PLN.

Now, after just 3 months we are paying 4.10 for dollar and 4.50 for euro. Im so close to getting away from this retarded cathofucks or just plot the murder of polish "king", who controls prime minister and president like puppets.

Fuck, i repeat, fuck poland, just someone fucking nuke it already im so done with this country.
don't worry i'm coming to your country to help your economy late this year
I feel utterly depressed and defeated by the Muslim migration crisis to EU. These nutcases will destroy everything that's great about EU in no time. Swedistan is a prime leading example and it's only going to get worse. The world needs a systematic culling of extremists.

Or just fucking nuke the entire middle-east, that works too.
To add on, I'm personally butthurt that these animals can get into EU and move across countries freely, get 10000 Kroner or more per month for free while making bigger demands.
Meanwhile, a highly educated and peaceful individual like myself can't fucking enter the region without going through a long and painful visa process and paying 160$ for each visit between strictly regulated entry and exit dates.
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