The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Are you sure you are taking care of them properly, like making sure they are vaccined?:erk: Cats dont just get sick, just like with humans, most things can be prevented with a proper vaccination. What disease did they get?
I hope not. I better go check some burial sites because if those people are still aliv--- Uhhh what I meant was yes... there is no death in Canada, especially not ritualistic satanic methul sacrifices. It's all lost kittens running through meadows 'round here. :)
That's what the Vet told me bad genetics. It was due to them inbreeding. She also told me that there is this thing called "Fading Kitten Syndrome" where no matter how good of care you give them, they will die. 3 left and they seem to be doing better.
So both my children are having a cold right now so they have a really hard time sleeping and one of them suffers from night terror on top of that...I got about 3 hours of sleep last night :(