The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I fucking hate my coughing after workout.

I can run for 60 minutes and not having a single cough, as soon as i stop, after 10 second i start to cough like a madman.

Am i having a fucking forrest gump curse, that i have to keep my heartrate elevated (by running, at this case) or else im sentenced to cough my lungs out?

Fuck, as soon as i wont need my lungs anymore im gonna nuke them
Its cancer from all the shit i have to endure in internet. If it was weak genetics I would already be cosplaying an insane cancer from SH 3, because only I can withstand it.
And I think my dick is festering, im beginning to rot, great. And the wound I had on my calf month ago still havent healed.

Im becoming a fucking zombie :(

This is literally the worst 50 euro ive ever spent. I knew previous MGS V OSTs sucked ass, but i thought, hey, its a different composer, he can do worse, can he?

Well, fuck me, he achieved the impossible.
Most of the album sounds like wannabe 80s music, with some okayish at best tracks as long as there is no vocal. The vocal is literally the worst vocal ive ever heard. Dude should be banned from microphone.

But wait, there is more.
There on like 5th or 6th track weve got some african children tunes. I wasnt even mad, that was amazing.

Then after some generic epic music track the regular mgs v ost is filled with that is forgettable even during listening there is this abomination called "Death Metal Gear". Again, WORST death metal track ive ever heard. I mean how can you fuck up so bad, how can you suck so much at composing AND mixing. I have no idea about mixing music and yet my music is listenable not like this piece of trash, im gonna post it:

(40:18, since it pastes itself on 40:00)

It sounds even worse than the shit i recorded for fun blindfolded 10 years ago when i had no idea how to use guitar and i was fucking around with a friend: Just listen to it and compare, im sure i did much better job.

I could rage for another century, but ill leave it at that. Ludvig Forssell, fuck you, ive got no idea how the fuck you got hired to record anything for anyone, but thanks for scamming me.

Whoops, never fucking mind, I was sure that previous mgs v soundtracks were composed by Gregson-Williams and he suddenly got brain and ear cancer and started to suck but wikipedia proved me wrong:
"The soundtrack was produced by Harry Gregson-Williams, making it his fourth Metal Gear title. However, unlike previous titles, his involvement during the composing process was minimal, with him ultimately only composing two tracks for Ground Zeroes."

So the same faggot that created previous soundtracks made this one. That explains everything. Ive been cheated x2.


LMAO LOOK AT THIS BABY FACE. I wonder how many chingchong dicks he had to suck to get a job from Konami. This dude has neither talent, skill or looks.
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