The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

how are the female catholics, do they have morals? id gladly help them out ;)
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They dont have morals, thats why they are filled with STDs instead of Jesus. TBH most of them would look wayyy below any reasonable standard, so avoid.

But fuck whatever you want, just keep in mind that all long haired girls wearing turtleneck sweaters are reserved for my judgement and me.
Meanwhile in Poorland:

Prosecutors that were dealing with cases of goverment's shitting on the Law got fired and can no longer work in their professions.

Ruling party members reffer to the Highest Judges as "Plotting scrubs".

Good thing I got into programming, otherwise i would already be fired if i continued the law career, because there is no way in hell I would support this government, and if you dont support it you are destroyed <3
I'd rather take shitskinned immigrant than a person who supports current government.

Shitskins > polacks. Yes, please fine those countries. Ruin this shithole's economy, the sooner the better.
This shitskinned lowlife is typical racist and leftist. He deserves to be gased. UK is lost, just let me import british pokemon pogs and we can nuke them.
I stumbled upon some thread on other side with americans talking how nuking the hiroshima and nagasaki saved the world and millions of lives.
US could always justify their terrorist acts, they always ruin everything and then pose as heroes or just bail out.

If nukes are so wonderful why wont you just nuke the middleast? You will save the world and millions of lives.
Nah, it's better to act as righteous heroes and make money off of the conflict. And Trump is all like "lol, too much money dumped in europe and nato, we destabilised middle east condemning europe, lets act as nothing happened, take our toys and gtfo". Clean up your mess, you fucks.

Japanese has no chance of taking a revenge, but there is some hope for China, at least those ching chongs have a chance to show ameritards the true meaning of democracy and nukes. That would be a beautiful world where karma actually exists.
A tip if any of you guys feel really shit. Vitamin D.
I allways used to get depression-symptoms around feb-mar but since I started taking Vitamin D a few years ago I feel better.
Last week I had been without the vitamins for a week, not sure if that had something to do with it but now im back on them and i feel much better.