The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Its already 4 pm and sandniggers still didnt detonate themselves near the delusional, christian fucks in poland fucking around reminiscing some silly plane that crashed in Russia with around 60 useless people and 30 innocents.

Sandniggers, its your only chance for you to redeem yourselves in my eyes. Do something good and get rid of them already. I could even convert to islam just fucking kill them all.
Polish parliment is in huge need for witcher / ghost busters / exorcist, because there are more votes for accepting new law than there is people voting. Head of Parliment doesnt give a fuck and just smiles.

Russia, my friend, please nuke us finally.
I think were getting there.
But Russia in an empire, is a strong, proud nation. Polacks are just pathetic little creatures thinking they mean something. Russia is a threat to most countries and they can act as they do. Poorland wants to act as though as Russia, but looks like theyve got no idea that they would lose any war in a week, especially now, when new Ministry of Defence instead of training soldiers and equipping them is "enforcing christian values on the troops".

So yea, corrupt pathetic country being protected by monks in camo uniform.

There is no god.
Make sure to not get tanned, because you may get rekt by catholic patriots.
I mean, i hate most of the sandniggers but im not punching random person for no reason at all, and thats what polacks do. Make sure to squint your eyes extra hard so there is no doubt that youre a ching chong :3
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im a southeastern ching chong so could actually be mistaken for an arab cuz im slightly tan and not that squinty and have black chin hair
i'll just wear my behemoth shirt, raise the horns and shout slaves shall serve! in the streets, then they'll be nice to me?
Being a metalhead makes you more likely to be attacked by apes.

If you want to be absolutely safe you need to wear a tshirt with polish pope and scream "Ian Pavel drooki gvoutschil maue chietschi" (should me understandable enough) and youre covered

I lold xD Poorland xD
From the other hand, that was the whole "march"


If I was shitskinned I would just laugh at those pathetic lightweights and pedophile dressed in black
Haters of course. Dont expect any cathofuck in poorland to act like catholic, they are all hypocrites. Being catholic is trendy know because new government are pedophile lovers. If you encounter any youth that openly says he's a patriot and catholic you can be 95 % sure his IQ is below 80, he's poor, racist and just a parasite of society waiting for welfare.