The Greatest Movie Ever, Rotk

:OMG: that was the cherry on the sundae!!!!!!! woooooooooo hooooooooooo!!!!!
damn good movie!!! I went to see it with my daughter and the theater was packed-hehe-I say that cause around here it seems like the theater is never crowded, but boy today it was. After the show we went out for Chinese and went shopping. That was part of her Christmas gift.:tickled:
I recently saw the lamest movie I've ever seen-but it was czech made, so I ain't gonna bother you with that. God do our moviemakers make crap now. It was waaaay better 30-40 years ago.
Yeah, The Ring. I know it's kinda old. I saw it a month ago for the first time. Interesting.
And I burned Salo-120 days of Sodom, but my crappy CD device is on fucking strike now. I might have seen the first 20 minutes.
I got my son a Lord of the Rings Risk game. I can't wait to sit down and play it with him and my niece. It looks harder then the original.

I'm telling you get Risk 2210 AD it is the best version i have played out of the three (LOTR, Origional and 2210) It's set in a post apocalyptic future and before you play you have to draw three teritories from the territory deck and those are impassable from nuclear fallout. There are territories on the moon and under water and you have to have special pieces in play to get to them. It is alot more involved than the other two and there's a limited amount of turns. and they have a deck of special cards. you have to get it it's so fucking awesome!!!! they have a realy long example of how to play here
ok i'm done drooling.
This movie did indeed rule.

The one we wanted to see was sold out so we had to wait for the next one. This gave me time to run to the bathroom (what the fuck has happened to ladies' room etiquette, people??? Are we now MEN???) and get a couple bears from Build-A-Bear for the kids to give their grandmothers. Then we went and stood in line forever, went into a packed theater and waited forever, and then the previews were like 10 minutes late so the whole thing went longer than we planned, but it was all very worth it.

I didn't realize my ass was numb until I stood up to walk down the stairs. I almost fell a couple of times. I had to do some butt clenches while my husband was in the men's room just to be able to walk out to the truck. I don't think a movie has ever done that to me. It usually occurs to me to stand in the aisle or go get some soda or something long before that happens, but not this time.
Metal Maiden said:
It was entertaining. I bet I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't have my daughter with me, and if I hadn't read the books first.
I saw a couple there with a little girl who couldn't have been more than three. They can't possibly have enjoyed themselves. I like to think six is much better (so I have something to look forward to!). :)
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
(what the fuck has happened to ladies' room etiquette, people??? Are we now MEN???)

I know. And of course the employees don't give a shit so they don't bother cleaning like they should. I hate public bathrooms!!! :yell:
Metal Maiden said:
I know. And of course the employees don't give a shit so they don't bother cleaning like they should. I hate public bathrooms!!! :yell:
Not only that (which is bad enough), girls teen-aged and younger don't seem to know how the line works, i.e. where to stand, when to move, don't stand there like a dumbass when there's 3-4 stalls open, etc.

Another thing I saw a lot of is mothers sending in their little girls who obviously still need help going potty in to fend for themselves. I'm pretty sure that's where all the mess is coming from anyway. It makes me glad I'm not in malls/movie theaters as much as I used to be.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Not only that (which is bad enough), girls teen-aged and younger don't seem to know how the line works, i.e. where to stand, when to move, don't stand there like a dumbass when there's 3-4 stalls open, etc.

Another thing I saw a lot of is mothers sending in their little girls who obviously still need help going potty in to fend for themselves. I'm pretty sure that's where all the mess is coming from anyway. It makes me glad I'm not in malls/movie theaters as much as I used to be.
Thank you for giving me another reason to be glad to be a male. (We can hold it for a LONG time.)
Now I have 2 reasons to be thankful.