The Greats of Tomorrow...


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Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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So which bands do you think will someday release (an) album(s) that you will consider to be among the alltime greats, or whcih bands do you simply think will someday be great overall?

The band I think has the most potential in this catagory would be Agalloch. First of all they have been real good ever sense thier demo and have continuosly improved ever sense. The Mantle had some truly brilliant stuff on it, most notably In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion, which has some of the most amazing lyrics ever written. Anyways they have released two eps, sense then, both of which conatin stuff that seems very post rock influenced (I can definatly hear some Godspeed influence). Well I think adding these new elements to their already excellent sound could lead to Agalloch's next album being an all time great. Also I saw them live, at merely their thid show ever, and they were amazing, even though they only played for like, 45 minutes. Well I think the combination of so many great music elements, pluse great concepts, lyrics and theology as well as their amazing passion will lead to them becoming one of the all time greats.

Another band, which I don't feel quite so strongly about is Isis. They have been very good for quite some time now, at their own interesting progressive metal/hardcore thing, but the second half of Oceanic (from Cary on) showed them really adding a lot of new and amazing elements to thier music. I wouldn't be suprised if they come out with a Pink Floyd like concept album which flows flawlessly some time soon.

Ok so those are my prophecys, give me yours...
Yeah Agalloch is a good choice, also Forest Stream, Farmakon and Thales are all great bands that are fairly new and i reckon will do really well.

Especially Forest Stream. Their album "Tears of Mortal Solitude" is a masterpiece, one of the best albums in my entire collection. Im not too good at describing things really im afraid but check out their forum on here and Melodic death from Finland (hearse's band! :lol:) good stuff! Not melodic death in the way of in flames, more...i dunno, but its not all iron maiden riffs if you get me (god im useless) Really innovative Finnish melodic death metal with funk, clean and growled vocals......really cool.

Wow.......that was just blatant PR there :lol:
I totally agree with you on Isis, the most interesting band in metal today.

Mastodon has really impressed me.
To tell the truth, I think that there are few, if no bands of today that have any hoep of being a "great" Like Sabbath, Maiden, Zeppelin and such... I thin kthe time of greats is pretty much gone because to be GREAT you must also have a certain aspect of NEWNESS...
I think there are a few new bands out there that have a shot at being really big.

Shadows Fall - granted they have been around for a few years, but they are still fairly new

Beyond The Embrace

Into Eternity - see Shadows Fall...
For some reason, I have a vague premonition that Ephel Duath will fit this category in the near future. Not that I feel a particular "love" for them(although I have been appreciating them more and more), but they seem to possess a fairly-accessible sound interspersed with that aspect of uniqueness somebody mentioned.
yeah but Ephel Duath's singer quit- and their drummer (who is excellent) is 45 years old. Id love to see them put all the pieces together though.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
To tell the truth, I think that there are few, if no bands of today that have any hoep of being a "great" Like Sabbath, Maiden, Zeppelin and such... I thin kthe time of greats is pretty much gone because to be GREAT you must also have a certain aspect of NEWNESS...
Bands like Agalloch, Opeth, Emperor, My Dying Bride ect ect ect have many aspects of newness, you seriously don't know what your talking about. So many bands are trying new things. And even though i like Sabbath and Maiden (I don't listen to Zep so I won't comment on them) there are plenty of bands today that are far more creative then they were...
The bands may be more creative, but they are not as far-reaching, or influential, or don't have that "classic" quality. For instance, if an album starts to sound dated, or makes a ripple opposed to shaking the underground, it isn't great.

I think bands such as Incubus, Shadows Fall, Into Eternity, Agalloch, Mastodon, and even TRapt have the innate ability to be great. They just need to step up and let a good album rip.

Yes, I said Trapt. If their next album improves the flaws they currently have(there are quite a few), they will change hard rock forever.
anonymousnick2001 said:
The bands may be more creative, but they are not as far-reaching, or influential, or don't have that "classic" quality. For instance, if an album starts to sound dated, or makes a ripple opposed to shaking the underground, it isn't great.

I think bands such as Incubus, Shadows Fall, Into Eternity, Agalloch, Mastodon, and even TRapt have the innate ability to be great. They just need to step up and let a good album rip.

Yes, I said Trapt. If their next album improves the flaws they currently have(there are quite a few), they will change hard rock forever.
See I think influence on other bands is only one element of what makes a band great, and its definatly one of the least important of these elements. Therefore in my opinion bands like Neurosis, Opeth, Emperor and My Dying Bride are already cemented themselves as great, as their music speaks for itself, whether they influece others or not...
anonymousnick2001 said:
The bands may be more creative, but they are not as far-reaching, or influential, or don't have that "classic" quality. For instance, if an album starts to sound dated, or makes a ripple opposed to shaking the underground, it isn't great.

I think bands such as Incubus, Shadows Fall, Into Eternity, Agalloch, Mastodon, and even TRapt have the innate ability to be great. They just need to step up and let a good album rip.

Yes, I said Trapt. If their next album improves the flaws they currently have(there are quite a few), they will change hard rock forever.
I'm curious, what exactly does Trapt have that could change hard rock forever??
crimsonfloyd said:
Bands like Agalloch, Opeth, Emperor, My Dying Bride ect ect ect have many aspects of newness, you seriously don't know what your talking about. So many bands are trying new things. And even though i like Sabbath and Maiden (I don't listen to Zep so I won't comment on them) there are plenty of bands today that are far more creative then they were...

There is no need whatsoever to attack me, or tell me I seriously haven o idea what i'm talking about. That is egotistical and opinionated. There is no doubt about the fact that bands like Emperor (my favorite band of all time) and several of the other bands you mentioned did/doing things that are unique and creative. I never said anything of the sort. However, metal as a genre is NOT new. Nowadays in a world of music that ahs been played, played, played and overdone, it is difficult to stand out, and many bands that DO fade from memory in, say a decade. Has Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin faded from our memory? No way in hell! They will FOREVER be hailed as the originators and innovators of a massive genre of music. However, bands like Emperor, My Dying Bride, or Opeth, will never be able to be considered a classic in such a wide scale. NO ONE will ever be sitting them on the same pedestal. Because while Sabbath for example innovated the genre, Emperor excelled in it, pushing it's boundaries just that much further outward. So while they may be respected as classics in their own rights, and even more important than the "classics" in the eyes of many, it is unlikely that people will be using them as a household metal name over the classic originators of metal. I hope that makes my thoughts a little more clear, and I would appreciate next time if you asked for clarification rather than bursting out with unnecessairy comments.
Agalloch is a good choice.

Symphony X, Evergrey will release awesome prog metal masterpieces to set standards for the next generation... in power metal, Lost Horizon and Kamelot are THE bands to watch... Anathema will produce something marvelous (well, even more) soon...

And Dark Tranquility will continue giving us great pieces of music for a long time
I Beleive that Iced Earth will continue to keep the genre of Heavy Metal afloat... the new album is fantastic, and has renewed my interest in Heavy metal as a whole
yeah but Ephel Duath's singer quit- and their drummer (who is excellent) is 45 years old. Id love to see them put all the pieces together though.

Damn, I neglected to remember that the singer quit the band...well, assuming they maintain their overall sound whenever it is that they find a new vocalist, I think the band still retains potential for a more notorious status...
I Beleive that Iced Earth will continue to keep the genre of Heavy Metal afloat... the new album is fantastic, and has renewed my interest in Heavy metal as a whole

I ardently agree, the new Iced Earth record continues to grow on me with each listen, and at this point I would consider it one of their finest works. Additionally, "Gettysburg" is unquestionably the most interesting song they've ever written, at least in this man's opinion. I predict that they'll sustain tremendous success in the future.