Most Hit or Miss Bands?

The Faceless - Akeldama
Good songs, but only THREE stood out. Leica, An Autopsy, and the title track.

Death - The Sound Of Perseverance
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, their cover of Judas Priest's "Painkiller", and To Forgive Is To Suffer.

The only good song on Akeldama was Pestilence. An Autopsy was listenable, I guess. On tSoP, you're gay for not mentioning Flesh And The Power It Holds.
Anybody who doesn't like all of Cosmogenesis is alligator bait.

You see those are the kind of albums that just wear off after a few listens two to say the least. Not even a full listen if you heard all that guitar masturbation stuff alot of times before.

Edit: I need to start giving Martyr more listens, nice mention there. I heard the vocalist is crap though.