The Happy Thread


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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It seems EVERYBODY here is suffering from one thing or another - so first I will send out my best wishes to all. I hope things get better.

Now - the rules : this thread can only contain positive thoughts - kind of a therapeudic feel good thinking thread.

OK - I'll start:

I had a good day yesterday (in a trivial sort of way).

1. A partner in the firm told me they just hired a new staff acocuntant, and he's staring Monday. That means the big audit job that I was on in January that I was basically going to have to do on my own now has help. YEAH. This will free up some time for me to do computer related work which I enjoy way more than auditing.

2. The trip to Aspen I won is Jan 17-20 - right during the audit in #1 (which is run by a partner not in #1 above). So once I found out I would be working with this other partner, I told him about this trip coming up. I've benn worrying that work would be too busy, and I wouldn't be able to go. Well, the partner in #1 told me to go and have fun. YEAH. Now I don't have to think about it anymore, and my son is thoroughly psyched, because he knew up to now the trip was but only a possibility. Now this father-son excursion is looking up.

3. I played hockey last night. For quite a while, I've been very sluggish, and haven't done much in the scoring department. I've been tired, so I've been playing defense. For some reason last night, I felt chipper. I just didn't get tired, and I scored 7 goals. YEAH.
I just finished recording another song on my computer, 8 minutes long, lots of different influences, and all sounding pretty good imo. After spending the past 2 years continually challenging myself to write in different styles and structures and so on (eg it went something like "ive never written a short song so im gonna do that" or "ive never written an acoustic song so im gonna do that") ive finally got to the stage where i can write the songs that ive always wanted to write!! The song writing process flows smoothly now and i feel like im no longer limited by anything.

and ive finally got a band that i can play my songs in! :) Been together for 3 weeks or so now and its going great :)

and ive got lots of money and no idea what to spend it on yet!! which is quite a nice change :)

I'm not having a brilliant day, but I like your everlasting positivity. I don't like pessimists.
I just finished some holiday shopping. I ordered a Therion CD and it should get here in about a week. I bought a TV soundtrack and it has some really upbeat music that I love, so I"m really amped right now.

My family is too concerned with their shopping to antagonize me. I'm about to help my neices decorate the Christmas tree. I found a great way to improve my web site and yesterday I had a great discussion with an awsome online friend who I'm extremely fond of. I rented Rush Hour 2, and I got some popcorn ready. My brother told me it's a great movie. I started writing again and I'm actually looking forward to rewrite the book I'm working on.

Not to mention I have the rest of the day to relax. :)
I only have four more days of school left until my Christmas vacation. I am flying out to spend 10 days with my mom, who misses me dearly(the feeling is mutual). I might see some of my old friends if I feel like it.

Today I got a new computer that we built in school. It's pretty much top of the line with a 1.2 ghz AMD Athlon processor and lots of other goodies that I won't get into for only $250.

I purchased myself some new cds and a t-shirt or two.

I am really anxious to start my vinyl collection, which will include those lovely Opeth double LPs.

My new cd burner is super fast and only takes 4 minutes or so to burn a complete cd. So, that means no more waiting forever to listen to a cd or back up my music videos and movies.

I am going out to eat tomorrow night with my dad, which will be good since I haven't seen him in a while. It will be the last time I see him before Christmas since I will be gone.

I guess there are a lot of pretty cool things going on in my life now. Thanks for letting me see these things more clearly, metalmancpa.
Yeah, the prospect of being done with my exams and finally having time to set up my Playstation 2, which I got for my birthday only to leave dormant as not to interfere with my studies, is making me happy. But nothing makes me happier than the music I love, even the depressive stuff...
Good thread, it's always easier to be sad than to be happy it seems, we need more happiness. I agree with Demonspell, music is definitely a source of happiness, good solid friends is another.

Right now I'm happy because I've had some beers, I've finished an exam, and christmas is around the corner.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
3. I played hockey last night. For quite a while, I've been very sluggish, and haven't done much in the scoring department. I've been tired, so I've been playing defense. For some reason last night, I felt chipper. I just didn't get tired, and I scored 7 goals. YEAH.

Double hat trick +1!!!! That rocks!:) *in announcer's voice* And tonight's first star of the game: METALMANCPA!!!!! Christmas vacation is starting soon, I can relax a bit, sleep, just hang around...and my friends are giving me the best present ever: they'll burn me something like 10 cd's which I've wanted for a long time :) :) And I can give my presents to them, hopefully they like them :D
Hmmm, let's see...

In about a week I'll buy my first Opeth cd ever!!! :hotjump:

I've been going out a lot lately, made a couple new friends and getting to know lots of people :D :)

A few months ago I got into the university school I always wanted.

Finally, I'm thankful for being healthy and having all the people I love around...

Got to say that trying to look things in a positive way, surprised me with all the good stuff I saw in my life...
Maybe we should be more thankful and less whining...

We owe you one metalmancpa... :) :)
Because; my future looks bright (as always I make big
plans and then crush them later, but who cares?!)

I have alot of new CD's to listen to during the holidays
when I'm going to visit my grandparents :eek:)) Those will
be some great days! No work, meeting my father again,
presents, and lots and lots of chocolate! Hehe...

Then, when the new year begins I will start studing....
I'll take some time off from work just to enjoy life :eek:)

I'm hoping for Opeth to come to Norway, I might go to
Sweden to see Iced Earth in February....
And then there's the inferno festival here in Norway.....
OoooOoooooh!!! I can't WAIT for my future to come!!
Think about all the new CD's getting released!! :eek:)
2002 will be a busy year!!! Lovely! Hehe...
(Hey? What happened to my depression?!
Thanks metalmancpa!)
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
christmas is coming. everyone must feel joy. i cant wait to get new cymbals for christmas. i better get cymbals for christmas or otherwise i will be pissed.

Aren't cymbals just too personal of a thing for you to not pick out for yourself? Hmm...
