The happy thread

Thortyir said:
:lol: @ Dries... But Sol is right... It's now stop to going out and drink beers, have friends at home every evening, etc...

I don't see why you should stop having friends at home, okay, not every evening. In fact, I don't have friends at home at all, so that wouldn't be a problem. The rest is a big fucking problem though. I'm afraid I'll become too selfish to have a kid as the years go by.
Same here dear Maqus... ;) I don't have friends at home too, I'm too selfish to have a child (maybe when I'll be older) and I don't have a very secure relationship with my girlfriend...
Anyway, it's the HAPPY thread, so please post happy things FFS!
Thortyir said:
I'm uncle Thortyir since this afternoon! My sister brought her baby to this damn life today @ 3PM! She's called "Lou" and she's a tiny baby girl... :)

I'll come back to my quiet area tommorrow (120 kms from here in Brussels) to say hello and bring some presents to the child and her parents! I'm happy as f***! :):):)

holy crap mate! congratulations, thats such wonderful news. i wish the very best of everything in this fucked up world for her and her parents!
Thortyir said:
Yep, that's why I'm so happy! My sister is younger than I, she's only 21 years old but she already lives with her boyfriend who is a very kind 23 years old guy... They wanted this child for almost 2 years now...
For me part, I'm 24, but I'm not ready AT ALL to have a child for the moment... at least I have a new cat... ;)
Anyway, Thanks Susie, I knew you would post something nice about that... :)

Your cat will end up disappointing you like children will, so don't feel left out.


Just kidding! ;) Congradulations Thortyir :)