the hate thread

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sykosami said:
Just wondering, why come on then?

Entertainment, and to discuss music occasionally.

sykosami said:
I kinda thought it was obvious who I was talking about though...might not be though.

It is, and I think it's really pointless getting so worked up over it. She lives in another country and will never effect your life in any way, shape or form.
I hate that fact that me and a friend of 2 songs done and rehearsed, but sometimes I hate the songs and sometimes they sound fine. This has always been a problem with me. Do you think once we have a significant ammount of songs it will help ?

We both played 2 songs from around 3 to 5:30 one day and it starts to make me crazy.
Tell me The Greys from what song the text is in your sig. I hate it when someone has an interesting lyric in his sig and I don't know it. Oh well, I guess I am just very unexperienced.
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