the hate thread

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Unfortunately,'s tag editor is down until further notice, so that shit is there to stay until Sunday.
End of Your Days said:
And that has what do witht this? The "HATE" Thread? I list my hates, and you start crying like a pussy?

Troll, get a fucking life. And stop stalking people on the internet while you're at it.

HAH! 30 years old and still starting e-arguments. Wow, what a life you've carved out for yourself. Your e-girlfriend must be very proud. Quick, tell me which chat room she's in, I'll give her the great news!

Hmm... Hate thread... You're a whiny poseur... Hmm... Better not get those little greys overstimulated!

The reason I bothered in the first pace, was that whole "dirty sex" thing. It's just... bah... really lame. I can just imagine you crying to your ex-wife, "Please babe, give me a blowjob..." "Eek, no, It's icky!" It's not edgy, it's not cool, it's not funny, and really FUCKING UNINTERESTING!

You're right, though. One could believe that a thirty year old man would have better things to do, than arguing with little boys such as yourself. Unfortunately, I'm really broke these days, due to unavoidable circumstances. Alas, I spend an hour or two online each day.

And my girlfriend through five years broke up with me about three months ago. And guess what! I'm not sitting at home crying about it on some internet forum! Get over it, for goodness sake! No wonder she left you, you're such a crybaby... Maybe you'll have better luck some other time, though, when your balls finally drop... :rolleyes:
Crimson Velvet said:
Hmm... Hate thread... You're a whiny poseur... Hmm... Better not get those little greys overstimulated!

The reason I bothered in the first pace, was that whole "dirty sex" thing. It's just... bah... really lame. I can just imagine you crying to your ex-wife, "Please babe, give me a blowjob..." "Eek, no, It's icky!" It's not edgy, it's not cool, it's not funny, and really FUCKING UNINTERESTING!

You're right, though. One could believe that a thirty year old man would have better things to do, than arguing with little boys such as yourself. Unfortunately, I'm really broke these days, due to unavoidable circumstances. Alas, I spend an hour or two online each day.

And my girlfriend through five years broke up with me about three months ago. And guess what! I'm not sitting at home crying about it on some internet forum! Get over it, for goodness sake! No wonder she left you, you're such a crybaby... Maybe you'll have better luck some other time, though, when your balls finally drop... :rolleyes:

Thanks for admitting you're a complete fucking loser. Go find someone else to cry at, faggot. Next.
You're a funny guy. You make blind insults with no relevance, and that makes me laugh. Tell me, do you like chewin' tuhbacky?
Necuratul said:
You're a funny guy. You make blind insults with no relevance, and that makes me laugh. Tell me, do you like chewin' tuhbacky?

Coming from the jackoff that made one to begin with... haha.

Ironic much? Fucking Sebastian Bach wannabe.

This site is starting to remind me of M-R again. Full of know-it-all, arrogant little snobs. Maybe M-R should merge with this site. Full of PMS.
1) I didn't make a blind insult, I made an intentionally ignorant comment for comedic purposes based on the distorted proportions of the image in your avatar, giving one the illusion that your head is, in fact, unusually and unnaturally skinny.

2) There is no irony in my statement whatsoever, and if you strongly believe otherwise, I would like you to demonstrate where you derive this idea that my words are ironic. My tobacco joke, and the way in which it was presented, was clearly a joke.

3) Sebastian Bach has no relevance to this argument whatsoever.

4) I'm just fucking with you because you're clearly easily provoked. You're making a fool of yourself, and I find humor in it.
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