the hate thread

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I also hate fat people, mostly because of their lazyness. They don't want to get fit. I was fat 2 years ago but thanks to the gym I've lost 30 pounds. Those fat fuckers are visiting McDonalds instead of working out.
Some people are fat/heavy/thick due to genes, by the way. Just like I am skinny due to genes (fast metabolism).

But yeah I know what you mean.
I think the standards for fat or skinny are too generalized (according to medical standards). My target weight, being a man of 5'8", is supposedly 160 pounds. I got down to 170 once and all people ever told me was how scrawny and malnourished I looked.
I hate that i'm going to eventually run out of endocet/percocet(thinking too many weeks in the future). I can't wait to pop two of these tonight. Coffee in the morning and endo's at night make me feel blessed. YYYYAAYY *****
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I'm 5'5.5" and 120.

I'm 5'6" and around 140 and skinny. You must be really skinny. I also have an eating disorder so I could not even eat a good ammount anyways. I recently went to a dinner/get together and some of the food just about made me gag but I did not want to be rude so tried things. That sucks
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Some people are fat/heavy/thick due to genes, by the way. Just like I am skinny due to genes (fast metabolism).

But yeah I know what you mean.

Only ten percent of the people who claim to have bad metabolism, actually have it. I saw that on Dr. Phil.
You know what they say...if I'm 5'5.5", you're 6'6.6"...

But seriously it doesn't really since my girlfriend is 4'11" and the opposite of me weightwise and genewise (her heaviness is all genes, you wouldn't know she weighed what she does from looking at her face, obviously) it's cool. And she's gorgeous. :p
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