The Holidays are coming!!!!


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
I know it's still Thanksgiving time, but have you made your list yet?

I made my Hannukah list months ago.
Night 1: Line 6 Spider II Amp Head
Night 2: Line 6 cab
Night 3: Tama Swingstar 16" Floor Tom (Midnight Blue)
Night 4: 13" Rack Tom
Night 5: 12" Rack Tom
Night 6: 14" x 6.5" Wood Snare
Night 7: 22" x 18" Bass drum
Night 8: EMG 81-7 and 707 pickups for my Ibanez 7 string
I want peace among enemies and trust among friends.

and I had better get it. Honestly, why must people ask for gifts during these holiday traditions? The root of the celebration is about giving, not receiving. but I'm sure that's all been heard before. perhaps you haven't heard this though:

what gift is a gift, if it is earned? a true "gift" is unmerited, undeserved, unexpected. a true gift is given anyway.
Um, if you give something it's bound to be received by someone...

I've never been good at asking for things but I know what I'm buying for my friends/family.
Pois0nSeed said:
Hannukah? Isn't that Jewish?

Btw, Line 6 amps rule! \m/

Although I consider myself a Neo-Atlantean Believer, my family is Jewish, and I celebrate Hannukah with them out of tradition. I light Menorahs, play dreidel, speak Hebrew, (Not fluently. If I did, that would kick ass.) and do alot of the other Jewish stuff with my family. It doesn't break my Neo-Atlantean beliefs.

(BTW, "Neo-Atlantean Believer" is a term I made up for myself in believing that Atlantis not only existed, but is also the home of all of the world's moral, religious and spiritual beliefs, traditions, and a whole ass load of other things. It's more like a belief system, than anything else, except for the belief in the Twin Gods of Atlantis.)
What, Hannukah, or Neo-Atlanteanism? Hannukah, just ask any Jewish Person about it, and Neo-Atlanteanism is something that's kinda organized in my head, and I have to organize those thoughts better to write it down in an understandable manner. In other words, I'll get back to you probably tomorrow.
delay pedal and star wars battlefront 2 for ps2 anything else would be over budget
Ptah, are you sure you're not too obsessed with myths, Neo-Atlantean? Have you been listening too much V? lol

Note: I'm not telling that you shouldn't believe, you can believe in what you want(even an old tree in your backyard if that makes you happier).
Sometimes I question myself as well, then something usually hits me in the head like a football or something. Then again, my mind's become so warped over the past 4 years that I barely know whats logical or not anymore. (And I ain't got an old tree in my backyard)