The Horror Movie thread

^not sure if i saw that one actually, i hated the new ones where its trying to be funny...

Anyone see the new Saw movie?

sure did, it was good, i was satisfied, ive liked all of them so far.

most people say its gotten old and tired, but i never get tired of seeing people get what they deserve :lol:
Damn you sound bitter Dusty haha.

I have only seen Mirrors 1 and what I can remember it was pretty damn good.
Reading the interviews it looks like they know no one simply cant take Dougs place as Pinhead, so it looks like there is some kind of twist to it.
Do you really think it will be as bad as the latest 4-5? Sounds like they are trying something different, personally I think thats good.

I am bitter about Hellraiser, yeah.
And here's why...

1. For starters, there hasn't been a truly good one since part 2 which was made in 1988. That said, there has been ones that I have enjoyed. I thought the space shit in part 4 was gay, but the rest of the movie was quite enjoyable. Also, even though many pan the hell out of Inferno (part 5), including Barker himself, I actually thought it was a nice side-story and had some cool cenobites in it. That movie was made in 2000 and was the last movie that was even ACCEPTABLE as a Hellraiser movie. Since then, we have gotten 3 Hellraiser movies that have gotten significantly worse with each entry (which brings me to number 2)

2. The last two movies weren't even supposed to be Hellraiser movies. Hellworld and Deader were shelved scripts that the studios had no idea what to do with, so they rewrote them to hamfist Pinhead and the cenobites into to make an extra buck any way possible. And it shows. Not only are both of the movies fairly generic in their own right, they don't even feel like Hellraiser movies on any level. The best of the two, Deader, actually had a couple creepy moments but it was the wrong kind of creepy. Hellraiser movies are supposed to be GORY horror, not "cat jump" or subtle scares like it had. All of that is irrelevant, though, because these two movies are both shit and both obvious cash grabs.

3) So now we are in 2010 and what do we have to look forward to in the world of Hellraiser? Well, because they have run the franchise into the ground so fucking far, they can't make money at making these movies anymore...unless they make a remake! That's the trend, right? Even when the movie bombs so hard critically (like the Nightmare on Elmstreet remake), it still makes plenty of money, which is all that matters to the people remaking these films. Oh, but there is a problem...the studio is about to lose the rights to Hellraiser and the only way they can keep them is if they make another sequel aside from the remake. So that's what this turd on the previous page is. It's just a random, shitty movie directed by a hack direct-to-video director, an awful budget and a script so bad that Doug Bradley wouldn't even play the roll. Yes, they sent him the script and offered him the role, but he refused because it was apparently so bad and he was tired of seeing this series go to rock bottom. So okay...this movie will be dog shit, we get it. But maybe the remake will be good?

4) Maybe the remake WILL be good. After all, Clive Barker is on board to write it (mostly forced to. He didn't want the remake at all, but they told him it was happening whether he liked it or not so it was best for him to get in now or lose the opportunity to have any control). So that is something at least. Unfortunately, they have had at least 2 directors leave the production thus far (including the guy that did Martyrs and the guy that did Inside) because the movie studio was apparently being so difficult to work with. Even with Clive's help, that doesn't spell good news at all.

So could say I am bitter about this. Horror movies mean more to me than heavy metal and metal means a lot to me too. I hate seeing characters and stories that I grew up with get stomped on at every possible point. Seriously, people love to rip on shit like Star Wars, but for all the fucking Jar Jar Binks' in the world, at least SOME care was put into those productions. Hellraiser has just been shat on, consistently, for 22 years starting with a fucking CD HEAD cenobite.

Bitter is putting it lightly.
Did the vein in your forehead burst and cover your monitor in blood as you were writing that? haha, I honestly feel the same about the Hellraiser movies, but I don't feel the same about this new one. I think that the last 6 movies were all the insult they could throw at it and at this point a remake (although this is not a remake folks) or a sequel attempting to fix things is good. I couldn't possibly be disappointed because as far as I'm concerned the later movies have made Hellraiser near impossible to defend. I also like that they have been trying to give it as much of an 80's vibe as possible, and man do I fuckin love the 80's when it comes to horror.

Seriously, you can be bitter but the thing to be bitter about is that someone didn't try to do this movie 6 sequels ago. At least then if it failed it would have been the first one to suck, and Pinhead wouldn't be a joke in the horror world.
wow dusty, that was one of the best laid arguments ive ever heard :lol:

i hope the remake will be good.....i mean it can never be as good as the original because lets face it, its the best, but im hoping with the people they have on board (all movies/people i like/respect) that it will at least make for a fun afternoon with friends.
Did the vein in your forehead burst and cover your monitor in blood as you were writing that? haha, I honestly feel the same about the Hellraiser movies, but I don't feel the same about this new one. I think that the last 6 movies were all the insult they could throw at it and at this point a remake (although this is not a remake folks) or a sequel attempting to fix things is good. I couldn't possibly be disappointed because as far as I'm concerned the later movies have made Hellraiser near impossible to defend. I also like that they have been trying to give it as much of an 80's vibe as possible, and man do I fuckin love the 80's when it comes to horror.

Seriously, you can be bitter but the thing to be bitter about is that someone didn't try to do this movie 6 sequels ago. At least then if it failed it would have been the first one to suck, and Pinhead wouldn't be a joke in the horror world.

No vein popping. Actually a big smile on my face, truthfully. I love arguing/ranting about horror more than anything.

And no, this isn't for the remake (no footage of that has been shown yet), but as I said...this is just a vehicle for them to make the remake. They don't give a shit about this sequel at all. It's just to make it so they can make the $remake$.

Oh and Pinhead isn't a joke as far as I am concerned. Any real Hellraiser fan completely ignores everything after part 2 anyway. As in, "does not exist" type of ignore. So with that in mind he is still probably the greatest horror icon of all time.
I don't know Dusty. Most of the 'real' Hellraiser fan's I know, along with ignoring anything done semi recently, lost most of their care for him anyways. With that said, I really can't pin 'The Greatest Horror Icon of All Time' on his head.
No vein popping. Actually a big smile on my face, truthfully. I love arguing/ranting about horror more than anything.

And no, this isn't for the remake (no footage of that has been shown yet), but as I said...this is just a vehicle for them to make the remake. They don't give a shit about this sequel at all. It's just to make it so they can make the $.

Oh and Pinhead isn't a joke as far as I am concerned. Any real Hellraiser fan completely ignores everything after part 2 anyway. As in, "does not exist" type of ignore. So with that in mind he is still probably the greatest horror icon of all time.

you're right sir, damn right :)
I don't know Dusty. Most of the 'real' Hellraiser fan's I know, along with ignoring anything done semi recently, lost most of their care for him anyways. With that said, I really can't pin 'The Greatest Horror Icon of All Time' on his head.

Who is then?
There are certainly ones more recognizable to the McPublic, but who gives a fuck about them? Who is a cooler horror icon than Pinhead was in Hellraiser 1 and 2. Jason? Yeah, right (and I am a huge Friday fan, btw). Freddy? He's great, but a little too goofy. Leatherface? Not even close.

I'm not talking about putting Jason's mask and a mugshot of Pinhead on a table with an "A" and a "B" and asking random idiots who they recognize more. I'm talking who is the true HORRIFIC icon. A character that oozes dread and is the visual personification of evil. There's no one like Pinhead.
Who is then?
There are certainly ones more recognizable to the McPublic, but who gives a fuck about them? Who is a cooler horror icon than Pinhead was in Hellraiser 1 and 2. Jason? Yeah, right (and I am a huge Friday fan, btw). Freddy? He's great, but a little too goofy. Leatherface? Not even close.

I'm not talking about putting Jason's mask and a mugshot of Pinhead on a table with an "A" and a "B" and asking random idiots who they recognize more. I'm talking who is the true HORRIFIC icon. A character that oozes dread and is the visual personification of evil. There's no one like Pinhead.

Chucky blows them all away!
