The Horror Movie thread

Pinhead is a great character if you look at him you think he can be real, he's an avatar of the disgusting side of humanity fed on pain and suffering. Other horror characters are usually lame or funny especially in slasher movies but these stories don't need serious characters so don't compare Jason and Pinhead.

Nowaday zombie movies are overrated? No, people just don't fucking know anything about zombie movies. This subgenre has so much culture but these new movies are fucking it up without knowing anything about it.
Who is then?
There are certainly ones more recognizable to the McPublic, but who gives a fuck about them? Who is a cooler horror icon than Pinhead was in Hellraiser 1 and 2. Jason? Yeah, right (and I am a huge Friday fan, btw). Freddy? He's great, but a little too goofy. Leatherface? Not even close.

I'm not talking about putting Jason's mask and a mugshot of Pinhead on a table with an "A" and a "B" and asking random idiots who they recognize more. I'm talking who is the true HORRIFIC icon. A character that oozes dread and is the visual personification of evil. There's no one like Pinhead.

Honestly, I couldn't give you a viable answer to that. The answer will be different for every person. What "oozes dread" is completely subjective from person to person, even within the hardcore horror fans mindset. Pinhead in his original form was cool, but honestly never stuck with me strongly. This could be due to many different factors, but in general I would think THE horror icon would have to transcend more barriers than Pinhead.
Hellraiser 4 was baaaaad... after the second movie everything went to hell with the saga, literally :lol: Hellraiser - Deader was decent but in all and all, all those movies don't live up to the hype Hellraiser I and II created.
I just watched Hellraiser 4.
Pretty bad acting overall, but MAN is that "princess" Angelique one hot milf! :dopey:

Other than the space moments, I have grown to like it over time. It's definitely best of everything after part 2 (but still quite pale in comparison). Cool cenobites and the backstory on the box is a worthy attempt. Also, it's got some of Pinhead's best quotes, for sure.

I understand why people don't like it...there are parts that are hard to ignore...but overall it's still a far cry above the other later movies. Fucking Hellseeeker. What a turd that one was. They even tried to reel that back into the main story, which failed miserably.
I did like parts of it. But like you said some parts were really bad, bad acting and random scenes. And that "dog" with the flapping jaws made me laugh so hard. :lol:
I had totally forgotten about the awesome and gory kills Hellraiser has. I have to watch a few more, I guess Deader will be next.
Just remember what I said about Deader. It wasn't meant to be a Hellraiser movie. So the story is sort of weird and the directing is basically that of another style of movie entirely. But there are actually some really creepy parts (chick on the toilet, you'll know what I mean). But you can't hardly ever drop the feeling of "This doesn't feel like a Hellraiser all".
I felt that with Hellworld (what dusty said)... for me, nothing can beat the crapfest Hellworld was... it combines the worst elements of all of the other Hellraiser movies into one single film, the acting was insanely bad and annoying, the script was just ridiculous, even I can come up with a better idea for a hellraiser movie, pinhead lacks of feeling and his quotes are predictable and completely cliche, the twist was plain boring, at the end of the movie you wonder why the hell they decided to use the cenobites for the movie... Revelations, the next hellraiser movie, already looks like it's going to be yet another bad film ¬¬
Watched Hellraiser V: Inferno yesterday.
Really good acting in this one, and the first 30mins was really good, too bad it got stuck in the "criminal detective thriller mode" all the way through 'cause the acceleration to hell one expected never really came. And the dismemberments were all off screen, only sound, lame.

And what the hell is up with that random cowboy-bar scene that ends up with two cowboys throwing roundhouse kicks?!!! :lol:

This could have been a really good movie.
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yeah i watched till the 5, and is the one with less gore, and less Pinhead
Watched Hellraiser V: Inferno yesterday.
Really good acting in this one, and the first 30mins was really good, too bad it got stuck in the "criminal detective thriller mode" all the way through 'cause the acceleration to hell one expected never really came. And the dismemberments were all off screen, only sound, lame.

And what the hell is up with that random cowboy-bar scene that ends up with two cowboys throwing roundhouse kicks?!!! :lol:

This could have been a really good movie.

I just watched it the other night as well, because I always thought it was "okay", but figured I'd get a refresher to see how it compares with the other turds of the series. I pretty much agree with you. I think a lot of people hated the fact that it's very very light on the Pinhead action. But that never really bothered me. I saw it as more of a "Tales of Hellraiser" kind of thing. Almost like something that a graphic novel would be made about or something.

But yeah...shit like the roundhousing cowboys and the over-use of cop drama stuff made it pretty boring at times. Still, the twin cenobite chicks were cool and Craig Sheffer (from Nightbreed) is a worthy enough actor to make it watchable.