The Horror Movie thread

i got on my list next The People Under the Stairs, i remember seen a long long time ago, but i barely remember nothing, but i'm sure Wes Craven won't disappoint me
^no his movies are usually pretty great

speaking of wes, i just saw the original "the hills have eyes" the other day, what a great movie, must have been crazy in '77, haha made me kinda sad to see that the new one is like a shot for shot remake

also sad the guy who played that weird cone headed guy looks like that in real life, i'll bet after that movie he didnt get laid once
yesterday i watched the exorcist: the beginning, great movie, however i may be a bit bias as today.....

i am seeing The Exorcist, for the very FIRST time ever
the exorcist - the beginning was actually good, they re-made the film cause it was too goory it seems and the new film was kinda good too, just a different version of the same script or something, it's called dominion - prequel to the exorcist :)
yeah i heard dominion wasnt as good so i just went with the beginning, it was quite good actually, i found it created a really good atmosphere and was pretty chilling
I thought the Exorcist was more of a comedy than a horror film. I busted out laughing so hard when the little girl went "LET JESUS FUCK YOU!!!!!" and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. About Cannibal Holocaust, the fact that they killed real animals in the movie is what makes it so good. That movie is gritty as hell and I'm not saying I condoned the killings of animals in movies, but at least they ate the turtle. Another thing not many people might know is in the scene near the end where they cut the one guy's dick off, they used a real carcass. Yes, they went to a morgue and got a dead guy and used his lower half for that scene. Fucking brutal.
shut your skinny as black metal faggotry, stop being a kid and grow the fuck up.
haha... :)

the exorcist a comedy? seriously, 20 years ago I was shocked when I saw it for the very first time, even more knowing my grandfather was a priest.
shut your skinny as black metal faggotry, stop being a kid and grow the fuck up.

What? Is this directed at me?


the exorcist a comedy? seriously, 20 years ago I was shocked when I saw it for the very first time, even more knowing my grandfather was a priest.

Yeah, it's probably the 20 years talking. I'm sure if I had been in the same situation as you were when you saw the film I would have been equally shocked.

As for A Serbian Film, I think it's safe to say 20 years from now people won't be shocked when they watched it quite like I was. That was a fucking assault on the senses like no other.