The ''I can sing like Alexi!!!11one'' Thread

CliffBurton said:
You suond like your struggleing to push out a shit :erk:
no offence :p

how do i upload somthing?

Is actually quite hard to at least TRY to keep yer voice down whilst singing Alexi lyrics :lol

To upload just go to or somthing, and mail to urself or some random email. U get the link and post it here!

EDIT: Stop posting to fast!!
I can scream but my voice is lower than Alexi's. I can do Kalmah shit.
lolz, am I the only one who actually, uh, tried??
The rest of those sounds are just ''OMG Im like Alexi GRrrrrr'' and ''Go fuck yourself''

C'mon people!!!!
CliffBurton said:
You suond like your struggleing to push out a shit :erk:
no offence :p

how do i upload somthing?
this thread pwnz!

I bring my microphone to the toilet wait a min I try to record something omglithiumalexivoice