The "I Hate" thread.........

the fact that my likes list will probably outweigh this one by so much and that im such a nice asshole :)
people who force a religion on someone
the damn sob stories still consuming the airwaves about Sept. 11th...get on with LIFE people....
being nice but unable to open up to anyone fully and emotionally aka fall in love....sorry i know that can sound cheesy but it's true for me right now. :( ....
all the money i owe the government
the DUI class i have to go to tonight
The fact that i drove drunk (really drunk)
whoa maybe my likes wont outweigh my hates...because i'm sure there is more but that is a good start...i guess.
I had to take a drug course before I got my permit and that will be high up on my list of hates.


Overprotective Parents

Overprotective Christian Parents

Christians that try to make everything rotate around Christianity (school, law, government, other people, etc.)

People that have crosses around their neck that continually insult people and act like jerks. (I noticed most people that insult and act like jerks are christians, they must only be religious on sunday..)



country music

Baseball (Because the simpsons won't premiere for another two weeks, who the hell still watches baseball, this isn't 1950!)
you know what? i'm so happy from writing my "i like" list that i'm going to abstain from this...for now at least. we all know i hate nearly everything and everyone, but right now i'm happy. :loco:
-new yorker (where i live)
-homework, english and science, student at my school
-mean people
-the gettoish place i live
-my poor ass
-my cheep 4gb memory harddisk
-crappy porn, beastiality (yuk)
-red and pink
-getting a cold
-my brick hard bed
-new game and music releasing these day
-girl with too of make up
-when it's not raining
-arobic exercise
-men with pierce tounge (he'll probably suck your dick, eek)
-dead link
-the weakest link show :mad:
-the playboy bunny logo
-teen bopper's language (actaully that's horrifying)
-stock and wallstreet
-mosquito, spider, snake, scorpion, etc
-not knowing the answer
-flashy stuff that hurt the eye
-food with too much sugar
-and last but not least
being nice but unable to open up to anyone fully and emotionally aka fall in love
, but my situation is even worst as you can already see

i'll think of more later