The "I Like" thread.........

I like...

1. My friends - without them I would be nothing and nowhere. From the friends who I've left behind elsewhere in the country, to those who I've never met in person who keep me sane the rest of the time, my friends are my lifeblood and vitality.

2. Music in all its forms, provided it's challenging and well made by artists. Music is second only to friends.

3. My family, though none of us are very close. The occasional email, phone call or letter reminds me how important they are. It's a pity they aren't higher on my list.

4. Jaclyn, the girl who would be my girlfriend if I only lived in Toronto.

5. My cameras, all my film and pictures - including those not yet taken. I conceptualize new photographs daily, but I have a startling lack of people willing to put rose thorns around their nipples©. (No copying!!) I'll keep you posted. (see #4)

6. My guitars, even thought I'm not really any good at playing them.

7. My apartment, but more my privacy and freedom.

8. My work, and the people with whom I get to interact daily, be they nice or otherwise, every person is a learning experience.

9. My DVD player, and the fact that my ramshackle entertainment unit actually works (except since my DVD won't play burned CDs, and my three-disc changer can't play the last couple tracks on ANY cd.. I'm a bit out of luck..)

10. My education, which though it has not left me, has failed to secure me a job that makes even semi-decent money. (I SELL PENS.) :p

11. Weed, which has made the lonliness so much more bearable. I could sit at home alone on the forum, or sit at home alone on the forum on weed. I get very creative on weed, but my ideas are the kind of high-ideas that actually make little sense when you work it out. It's still fun. Though I don't smoke tobacco, I understand and respect the "break" element of smoking. The act of smoking (taking 5 minutes aside, deep breathing) is a relaxing thing, and when I'm stressed out, nothing makes my day like a lil weed smoked on my balcony.

12. Spending money - I'm good at it, but I don't have enough to support that talent. Oh how I love/hate credit!! :cry:

13. Cooking, which I don't do nearly enough. I think it's my hatred of cleaning dishes that keeps me from making more elaborate food. I love creating dishes, no matter how bad, because I'm usually the only one who tastes them. My favourite things to cook: salmon steaks, and dim sum.

14. Giving. I'm a generous person. When I have money, I have no qualms about buying stuff for people. I'll go so far as to donate food to a homeless person (as long as they haven't pissed me off), or to buy random friends random things. If I'm going out with you (you know who you are), you'll get a lot of stuff, because I like seeing the look on your face when you receive some kind of unprecendented gift.. I prefer giving functional items over.. jewellry and flowers, etc. Something that will last long past my usefulness, so I can be clearly remembered. Maybe that's why.

15. My online ritual: checking my few webcomics, this forum, my old IRC channel, ICQ, ratemyface,,, and a few selected weblogs. I rarely stray from those... Until I need to find something.... :D

Okay, that's all I can think of at the time... maybe I can add #16. People who spell "masturbating" with an "e." :lol:
Originally posted by Oyo
Wait a second, you get PAID for going on the internet, what the hell. How does that work??

He said he works at an internet café (---->gets paid) i guess when he has nothing to do he can surf as much he wants without paying.....
ah,lucky metalmaster,cool job you have!