please, list the bands you hate most and why

Originally posted by Misanthrope
If not more. To me he is head to head with digiorgio and sean malone.

With DiGiorgio, yes, with Malone? Not a chance. Nor is he as good as Tony Choy, Roger Patterson (RIP), Doug Keyser or (probably) Lars K. Norberg (even though I absolutely DESPISE Spiral Architect).
Limp Bizkit,Linkin Park,Pap Roach-but,unlike most Americans,I DON'T think that those bands are all that there is to metal.I love Opeth,Nevermore,Cannibal Corpse,Type O Negative ,CoF,Slayer,etc.I despise those bands because they think it's so"cool" to add rap to metal.I hate that because fans of those bands will say that I'm a "narrow minded,bigot,redneck cunt"all because I don't think it's a good thing to mix rap w/metal and I hate rap music.
I have to agree with Misanthrope about what he said a few posts back and for Rosa..

Dude Dream Theater did not graduate from any university.. they all dropped out. Well at least the core members did.. (Myung,Petrucci, and Portnoy).

Other then that Malone is amazing..

"post 'justice' metallica i despise. they are fucking assholes now. there are many others that i could write an essay of why they should not exist, but they are not worth my time."

I was waiting for that. I have to agree. They not only had a hand in wiping out filesharing, they just flat out suck balls now. They are the epitome of "selling out". Bands like that should call it a day when they start wearing make-up and designer clothes, and stop caring about the real issue: Music.
BTW- I actually like some of Slipknot's new cd Iowa. I admire their balls- anyone who has the nads to use all the satanic imagery (a 100 ft. pentagram) in their live show, have blastbeats, forsake their 12 yr. old nu-metal roots AND debut in the top 10 in billboard has my support!
Originally posted by OneFootBlaster

I was waiting for that. I have to agree. They not only had a hand in wiping out filesharing, they just flat out suck balls now. They are the epitome of "selling out". Bands like that should call it a day when they start wearing make-up and designer clothes, and stop caring about the real issue: Music.

Originally posted by OneFootBlaster

BTW- I actually like some of Slipknot's new cd Iowa. I admire their balls- anyone who has the nads to use all the satanic imagery (a 100 ft. pentagram) in their live show, have blastbeats, forsake their 12 yr. old nu-metal roots AND debut in the top 10 in billboard has my support!

Anyone that uses satanism as a way to sell records doesnt has mine, they are equal to any priest out there, unless they go into deep explanation of philosophical satanism ( i doubt lyrics like people = shit have any real depth or hints of philosophical satanism )
Limp Bizkit, Cradle Of Filth, Cannibal Corpse, Blink 182, Drowning Pool, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Creed, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Slayer...i could go on for days.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

i doubt lyrics like people = shit have any real depth or hints of philosophical satanism

What? You mean you cant hear the genius behind "If you're 555 than I'm 666"? It's brilliant I tell you.........pffft.... :rolleyes:
Anyone that uses satanism as a way to sell records doesnt has mine, they are equal to any priest out there, unless they go into deep explanation of philosophical satanism ( i doubt lyrics like people = shit have any real depth or hints of philosophical satanism )

You do have to admire their willingness to "lose alot of fans" though. I know alot of the nu-metallers HATED that- I think its a pretty ballsy move for a band that is in their position. Thats all...
praise hail santa! =)
Blast beats are ok when used sparingly, but mostly, they're just another example of gay punk ideas polluting metal.
Once again, this is off-topic! I now realize why the Opeth and Vintersorg forums are so huge... The Vintersorg one is even worse than this one. Ok, now you guys probably will start picking on me for whining here, but it`s getting impossible to get useful information about the band if 80% of the threads are off topic.. I guess there are other forums for such discussion.. But as I earlier stated, the Vintersorg one is even worse.. The only thing funny there is MR-V himself and his whining about illigal copying and places like AG. Urk, Vintersorg nowadays is nothing but ABBA with fuzz.