The 'Im shitting myself' thread

Originally posted by Mick Moss
Im apologising in advance for when I get on stage and vomit halfway through the opening song. Please forgive me.

Dood, some people just make that part of their stage show ;) But I believe it's traditional to see how far you can get it into the audience... :grin:

Nah, seriously, good luck :) I'm sure it will go well..
Originally posted by Russell

Dood, some people just make that part of their stage show ;) But I believe it's traditional to see how far you can get it into the audience... :grin:

Nah, seriously, good luck :) I'm sure it will go well..

Everything will be fine. I'll give the boy Moss 3 bottles of Buckfast beforehand. Hey presto.. the new GG Allin:spin:
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Just like to say that Im completely shitting my bollocks off about these live dates coming up, Im completely inexperienced when it comes to performing and Im apologising in advance for when I get on stage and vomit halfway through the opening song. Please forgive me.

Do like Jonas from Katatonia : cover your eyes with your hands or wear a cap down to the nose
no, do like Bruce Dickinson instead : run all the way around the stage and jump and yell and point at the crowd etc. i can see it : 'scream for me pariiiiiiiiiis! scream for me pariiiiiiiiis! Suicide! Veil!!' :lol:
Originally posted by Don Corleone

*kendimize dikkat etmeliyiz, di mi ama?


hemen temize çýkariim kendimi ben kullanmadým, hiç bi uyuþturucuyu denemiþliimde yok.
Yakýn bi arkadaþýmý overdoz dan kaybettim, eski erkek arkadaþýmýnda manen kaybetmemin sebebi eroindi.
þahsen öle bi deneyimim olmadý (allah korusun!!!)