Originally posted by without
hemen temize çýkariim kendimi ben kullanmadým, hiç bi uyuþturucuyu denemiþliimde yok.
Yakýn bi arkadaþýmý overdoz dan kaybettim, eski erkek arkadaþýmýnda manen kaybetmemin sebebi eroindi.
þahsen öle bi deneyimim olmadý (allah korusun!!!)
Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris
Come on Mickthere are millions of people that pretend to be singers out there!!!htey just go onstage and torment our ears!you are not authorised to be nervous!you will do just fine!!!!any "imperfection"will be excused,don't worry*cute cute cuuuuuuute*
you can also do that thing with the plastic bag i told you!you won't be a pioneer tho,but it will still work for your stage fright![]()
but please,PLEASE try to set a date for Greece!!!i will be wearing me fluffy piggy mask,sitting in the front line*always*
you can also wear a mask yourself,like Zorro's!!or Don Juan De Marco's!!aaaawww,you will make a killing,definitely!!!hahaha
Originally posted by without
manen, yani onuda keybettim diicektim ölmüþ gibi olucaktý o yüzden manen kaybettim dedim.
ayrýldýk anlamýnda söledim![]()
Originally posted by Ghostie
man that turkish conv. was annoying.....
Originally posted by Strangelight
We'll have to do Revelations then eh?
Originally posted by Don Corleone
duncan, before performing that song, promise to shout "this is a song about religion... REVELATIONS" just like dickinson does. that'd be really cool.![]()
Originally posted by Don Corleone
well hopefully moss will do such stuff on stage. we are giving him all the motivation we can here...
Originally posted by Strangelight
Diet cokes ok though eh?