the JOKE thread

haha, funny you say that. Yesterday i saw a duck flying against a huge fence, looked quite funny. nothin happened though, to the duck that is.
Morpheus said:
haha, funny you say that. Yesterday i saw a duck flying against a huge fence, looked quite funny. nothin happened though, to the duck that is.
once there flew a bird against my window, and it left this print on it. looked cool.

hey more jokes please :)

its yellow and you can jump on it

a chick :wave:
:lol: I'm not much of a joke teller. Nothing comes to my mind yet but this bloomer:

there were some students in their first dissection lesson at uni. So the prof says:" You gotta learn two things: First to overcome yer loath, and second your attentiveness in sight. Now i want you all to repeat what i will show you." He walks to a corps putting a finger in its arse, then licking it up. The students were disgusted but all finally overcame to do it like the prof did. After the last student sat back down to the class room, all with a disgusted face the prof said:" Well done everybody, but you all failed the second thing to learn. I put the middle finger in the arse and licked up the forefinger."
This penguin was driving his car when it broke down. He stopped at the mechanic and the mechanic told him he must leave the car and come back later. As he is a penguin and he loves ice cream, like all penguins does, he decided to get one. As he is a penguin, he doesn't have hands so he messes most of the ice cream on his beak. When he gets back to the mechanic, the mechanic tells he, it looks like you blew a seal. So the penguins replies, no, its only ice cream.