The last Impulse you will ever need!

GuitarHack, I love you. Seriously.

Your New IR has been my go to impulse ever since you posted it. I'll try this new one out but I don't know how much better things can get.

After purchasing ReCabinet and being disappointed, I'd be honored to donate to your efforts any way I can.

Thanks again for all your hard work on these impulses.
Can somebody clarify something... I have the zip called New_IR, but there are a bunch of folders, initially one called Set 1 and then Set 2, with a few folders in each of those with a bunch of impulses in them. Is there just one impulse called "New_IR", or are you guys just referring to that set?

Can somebody clarify something... I have the zip called New_IR, but there are a bunch of folders, initially one called Set 1 and then Set 2, with a few folders in each of those with a bunch of impulses in them. Is there just one impulse called "New_IR", or are you guys just referring to that set?


Yes New_ir is an individual Impulse. The other 2 sets you are referring to were some new ones I was trying a different approach on and let's just say, they smelled a little (or a lot) :lol:.

I should have mentioned that "final!" is a different flavour than the others. I am not mentioning brand names so I don't get sued :lol:, but it is made using the power section of one of the (if not the) most popular Metal tube amps of all time through a large cab. :lol:. The others were not made using this gear. So, yes, it will be different. Mic position is Edge-1.

Shadow_Walker, no probs, I didn't take offence. Constructive criticism is what it is all about.

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!

Yes New_ir is an individual Impulse.

Sorry to kill the mood here, but where can I find the individual impulse New_IR.wav? I have the zip with the New_IR Set 1 and Set 2 as 006 mentioned...
EDIT: Oh I found a link in the impulse FAQ but the d/l link has died. Could someone please put in on the FTP? Thanks!
Hey GH, can you re-up the impulse called ThisOne.wav? I had it on my windows machine but i lost it when i switched to mac and it was one of my favorites :)
Hey GH, can you re-up the impulse called ThisOne.wav? I had it on my windows machine but i lost it when i switched to mac and it was one of my favorites :)

Also this "New IR" impulse everyone speaks of, if you don't mind. I lost all my impulses when my old computer took a poop. Trying to get the best ones again. :loco:
Bro, thanks a ton.
I was looking for thisone and new_ir for weeks as I lost them too, when I got my new macbook.

Nonetheless I'll definitly give your final!.wav a shot.
Dude, I really like the Final!.wav-Impulse!
I checked it out with revalver and I got a really cool and chunky (yet a bit oldschool) Rhythm-sound with the JCM900-model.

I've already mixed 8 songs with your impulses. Last time I stop using ampsim - only plug guitar into stomp box, then into toneport (dry track), add your impulses and... also sound great :)
You're great, thanks a lot.