THE LITTLE DOLLS- This Saturday 6/25


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Hey All! Time for one more shameless plug for Sara and my side band!

THE LITTLE DOLLS- Female Tribute to All Eras of Ozzy
SATURDAY, June 25, 2005 (This Sat!)
@ Diablo's Rockin Cantina!


**17 and under MUST enter BEFORE 10PM (15 & under MUST be accompanied by and adult and enter BEFORE 10PM) and may stay the entire night. Free parking!

Diablo's Rockin Cantina
23600 Rockfield Blvd.
Lake Forest, CA 92630
for more info call (714)522-8256

with our friends Metal 101!Hope to see some of you there!

Don't forget to check out CBS starting July 11th for the reality show, Rock Star!
where our singer is competing to become the new lead singer for INXS. Not very metal, but still a great opportunity for her!!! \m/ One of the episodes will have a segment of Deanna performing with The Little Dolls from our May 13th debut show at Paladino's!!!!! Woohoo!
So come to our Diablo's show before Deanna becomes rich and famous and we never see her again!

Can't wait to hear the mighty METAL 101!!! Armando, you're the man! For anyone who hasn't checked out Metal 101, they play the greatest of the classics and obscure metal tunes that we all know and love ever! A must see. :rock:

See ya manana!
Yes! Goin to Diablo's tonight, this is gonna be great!

Really looking forward to Metal 101 again! They play some Maiden, Metallica, Priest etc., but most importantly: the obscure kinda stuff you never thought you would hear or see live again! Some examples of stuff I've seen them perform: Manowar-Carry On, Accept-Balls to the Wall, Alcatrazz-Hiroshima Mon Amour, Saxon-Denim & Leather, Savatage-Hall of the Mountain King. Needless to say I am looking forward to seeing what's on their setlist tonight. My buddy is praying to hear Carry On again... We'll see!

Good luck Little Dolls, can't wait to see the show!
Okay, went to Diablo's and it really was a fun time. A lot of OC regular bar patrons along with the rockers that came in for the music. Cool club and huge! Looking forward to going there again.

The Little Dolls were very fun to see. The singer really had a good stage presence and command of the audience... over the course of the show she changed into a few different Ozzy style costumes, and had his mannerisms and trademark shuffle down. There was even a staged bit involving a dove that I will leave to your imagination. I don't know the setlist, but it seemed very similar to the one I saw posted for the Paladino's show.
Sara absolutely RAWKED! :rock: Crazy Train was perfect... funny, I saw her before the show and she said she was nervous... I guess it comes with the territory, but you would never know it by her performance. She really showed her skills. Linda was steady as ever pounding the crap out of the drums... versatile performers huh! :worship: The Dolls put on a good show, for their (I think) second show ever they really seemed to have it down.

Fun little bonus- I saw Aja in the crowd too, and had a few words with her which was nice.

Metal 101 was awesome too! I don't know the exact setlist, I know I'm missing some here, but it included: JP's Heading out to the Highway, IM- Run to the Hills, Metlicca:p- Seek and Destroy, Tooth and Nail by Dokken, a great version of Y&T's Don't Stop Runnin', and their closer was Accept's Balls To The Wall, before which they said "This one's for the Metal Heads!" That was cool. Accept/Queensryche co-headlining at Irvine Meadows in 1985 was the first metal concert I ever saw... my buddy who got me into Accept back then was here at Diablo's with me too, so we felt like we were the Metal Heads! :)

I got lucky again-- this time caught one of the Metal 101 drummer's sticks in mid-air. Geez, this is 2 for 2 in catching gear at the last couple shows. At this rate I'll be able to open a music shop fairly soon to sell all the used gear that is flowing my way. :grin:

Crazy babies never say die!
It was great to see you there CrankYanker! I saw a lot of peeps and it was so nice to just be social, not working! I had a blast watching the girls Ozz out! :rock: I thought Deanna made a great Ozzy (oops - Sharon! Hee!) I've never seen her so spastic! A total riot. :grin:

It was so nice to see MetaL 101 again, too. The last time I saw Armando and the guys was when we were on the same bill at Kosmos and it's hard to just enjoy music when you're preparing to do a show. They did a great job, and Armando is such a good singer. I didn't get a chance to say hey to all the guys in the band after the show - so if any of ya are reading this - :wave: :wave: :wave:

I liked the band that was on before Metal 101, too. Kind of a Chili Peppers vibe and the front guy was very entertaining. Did any one see the artist who was painting to the music over on the side? He was cool, really into it. Nice fellow too - I talked to him after the show.
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Don't forget to check out CBS starting July 11th for the reality show, Rock Star!
where our singer is competing to become the new lead singer for INXS. Not very metal, but still a great opportunity for her!!! \m/ One of the episodes will have a segment of Deanna performing with The Little Dolls from our May 13th debut show at Paladino's!!!!! Woohoo!
So come to our Diablo's show before Deanna becomes rich and famous and we never see her again! there's a couple small clips here of our first show - click on deanna
Only the first week's worth of episodes were recorded already. She is going to be gone for 3 months in a "secret location" starting July 5th. Eeeeek! She has no idea who is going to win, and isn't allowed to tell even if she did. ;) Sara and I are gonna go watch some of the performances being recorded. :rock:
Doodoobubbachuck, CrankYanker & Air Raid Siren... thanks for the kind words.

Hey that was a fun show... and the Dolls kicked all kinds of ass! It's always a pleasure jamming on the same bill with Linda & Sara. I can always count on you two, to bring the chops and thrill the house.

Aja - It was nice seeing you again.

Yeah good luck to Deanna... I gotta catch that TV show. Mons & Weds are bad for me, but I'll check it on Tues tho.

L' 8!