the love thread

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Michigan pretty much rules, mainly due to the fact that we have Vernors :) Vernors is the best fucking pop you'll ever come across.
Ha, thanks.

You know, I love diet coke. And it's a shame that people jump to so many conclusions when people order it at a restaurant or something. Everybody automatically assumes that I'm on a diet.... Uh... No... I'm not. Does drinking a huge diet coke with a huge ass hamburger sound health? Not really.

I just love the taste of diet coke. When I drink regular coke, I hate the way it feels in my mouth. I hate the sweet taste. But diet coke, now that's some orgasmic stuff.
Ha, thanks.

You know, I love diet coke. And it's a shame that people jump to so many conclusions when people order it at a restaurant or something. Everybody automatically assumes that I'm on a diet.... Uh... No... I'm not. Does drinking a huge diet coke with a huge ass hamburger sound health? Not really.

I just love the taste of diet coke. When I drink regular coke, I hate the way it feels in my mouth. I hate the sweet taste. But diet coke, now that's some orgasmic stuff.

I hate Diet anything. I can't stand the artificial sweetning, but Coke Zero on the other hand, is tolerable.
Really? I hate Coke Zero, hahaha. Too sweet.

I just like diet beverages better. Coke came out with Diet Coke with splenda a while back and I thought it was repulsive.

Diet Arizona Green Tea is good, too. I like it better than the Regular... It doesn't taste as sweet.
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