the love thread

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I like Charlotte's Web, both the book and the movie. Plus, Charlotte's artwork looks like a black metal band logo. :Smug:

pfft, there is no time for like in the love thread. the love thread demands you express the only the strongest of emotions, go ahead, admit it, you LOVE Charlotte's Web. Now run, run and shout it from the rooftops before it's too late.
A GMD prom would be a bit of a sausage fest wouldn't it?

But then you're into that sort of thing...
DarkBliss and Solipsist are the 06 winners imo.
Swizzlenuts, Decadent, Necurat00l and V5 are my favourite posters on this forum.:kickass:

I love dota.

I could've sworn you were 04 or 05. For some reason I get the feeling you've been around for ages.

No fucking clue. :kickass: anyway.
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