the love thread

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Could you be any more of an utterly worthless poster?

Dream Theater songs are for the most part vehicles to show off their technical prowess rather than to actually convey some kind of emotion. They're poorly constructed and boring, with unnecessary solos thrown in all over the place (the keyboard solos by Jordan Rudess are especially bad). And when they do actually try to write a song that does attempt that it ends up coming off incredibly cheesy (Images and Words).

Being a technically good musician is worthless if you cannot write a decent song and do not know when you need to stay in the background and just help carry the song instead of going "Hey look what I can do!". In other words when you do not know the meaning of being *tasteful* or subtle.

Plus James Labrie is a bad singer and lyricist (the same could be sad for plenty of extreme metal bands but atleast there you cannot actually understand the lyrics anyway).
Could you be any more of an utterly worthless poster?

Hypocrite. All you ever do is criticize people try to start arguements, rarely ever contributing anything of any worth. Plus half of the things you call "facts" are actually just opinions in themselves that have no basis of truth at all.

You obviously do not play any instruments or have any knowledge of music what so ever. To sit on your ass and say that Dream Theater writes poorly constructed songs is a stupid and incredibly naive thing to say. I bet you havent even heard all of their albums, and I hope you havent or else you have extremely bad taste. I reccomend you the song "Fatal Tragedy" to illustrate this point.

It is also intresting that you should mention "tasteful" or "subtle" in the metal genre, as it is not known for displaying traits of either. However Dream Theater has plenty of subtlness or tasteful-ness in their songs, but once again you are to dead set on trying to prove how intelligent you are to notice any traits of them.

You cannot say that James LaBrie is a bad vocalist. You say that based on the fact that he has a very high pitched voice (which can get irritating) but you do not provide any other reason for this empty statement.
Plus half of the things you call "facts" are actually just opinions in themselves that have no basis of truth at all.

To sit on your ass and say that Dream Theater writes poorly constructed songs is a stupid and incredibly naive thing to say.


EDIT: Also, James LaBrie really genuinely fucking sucks and I love high pitched vocals. He's just limp and weak and has an annoying voice in general.
Hypocrite. All you ever do is criticize people try to start arguements, rarely ever contributing anything of any worth. Plus half of the things you call "facts" are actually just opinions in themselves that have no basis of truth at all.

You obviously do not play any instruments or have any knowledge of music what so ever. To sit on your ass and say that Dream Theater writes poorly constructed songs is a stupid and incredibly naive thing to say. I bet you havent even heard all of their albums, and I hope you havent or else you have extremely bad taste. I reccomend you the song "Fatal Tragedy" to illustrate this point.

It is also intresting that you should mention "tasteful" or "subtle" in the metal genre, as it is not known for displaying traits of either. However Dream Theater has plenty of subtlness or tasteful-ness in their songs, but once again you are to dead set on trying to prove how intelligent you are to notice any traits of them.

You cannot say that James LaBrie is a bad vocalist. You say that based on the fact that he has a very high pitched voice (which can get irritating) but you do not provide any other reason for this empty statement.

Amen to that :kickass:
Hypocrite. All you ever do is criticize people try to start arguements, rarely ever contributing anything of any worth. Plus half of the things you call "facts" are actually just opinions in themselves that have no basis of truth at all.

You obviously do not play any instruments or have any knowledge of music what so ever. To sit on your ass and say that Dream Theater writes poorly constructed songs is a stupid and incredibly naive thing to say. I bet you havent even heard all of their albums, and I hope you havent or else you have extremely bad taste. I reccomend you the song "Fatal Tragedy" to illustrate this point.

It is also intresting that you should mention "tasteful" or "subtle" in the metal genre, as it is not known for displaying traits of either. However Dream Theater has plenty of subtlness or tasteful-ness in their songs, but once again you are to dead set on trying to prove how intelligent you are to notice any traits of them.

You cannot say that James LaBrie is a bad vocalist. You say that based on the fact that he has a very high pitched voice (which can get irritating) but you do not provide any other reason for this empty statement.

I wouldn't have to argue with you if you weren't such a complete tool. I rarely start any arguments here at all and I don't remember me bringing any "facts" to the table and instead just explained why I think Dream Theater is a horrible band.

I have heard everything up to and including Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance (which did infact have one vaguely good ambient'ish track, the name of which escapes me). I used to be friends with someone who was really into them and so was made to listen to their stuff plenty of times. Oh, and despite being a pretty big DT fan even he agreed that James LaBrie is a bad vocalist.

As for your whole "You probably don't play any instruments" argument, well, what can I say? That is probably the most retarded basis for deciding whether someone is able recognize a well written *song* that I have ever seen (and usually an argument brought on by people who have fuck-all experience when it comes to actually listening to music). I already mentioned several times that I can recognize the fact that they are competent musicians, that doesn't change the fact that they cannot write any decent songs. The ability to write a good song has absolutely nothing to do with how well you play your instrument or whether you studied at Berklee, and the ability to recognize one doesn't either. Some of the best songs ever made were written by people who were inept musicians from a technical point of view.

I have a huge music collection and spend probably up to eight hours a day listening to music, reading about music and checking out new music. I don't need any other qualification to decide whether a song is good or not. Sorry.

The only hypocrite here is you, which Necuratul already pointed out. Speaking of spouting completely unsubstantiated "facts"...

-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

It's blatantly obvious.

You're pretty good at that yourself.
Could you be any more of an utterly worthless poster?

Dream Theater songs are for the most part vehicles to show off their technical prowess rather than to actually convey some kind of emotion. They're poorly constructed and boring, with unnecessary solos thrown in all over the place (the keyboard solos by Jordan Rudess are especially bad). And when they do actually try to write a song that does attempt that it ends up coming off incredibly cheesy (Images and Words).

Being a technically good musician is worthless if you cannot write a decent song and do not know when you need to stay in the background and just help carry the song instead of going "Hey look what I can do!". In other words when you do not know the meaning of being *tasteful* or subtle.

Plus James Labrie is a bad singer and lyricist (the same could be sad for plenty of extreme metal bands but atleast there you cannot actually understand the lyrics anyway).

Technical Death bands also have this problem in trying to be so technical that music itself goes nowhere.

Ex. Necrophagist, Psycroptic
I have heard everything up to and including Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance (which did infact have one vaguely good ambient'ish track, the name of which escapes me)
You're probably thinking of "Disappear".

Anyway, sorry Montu, but I think cairath makes some better points here. As much of a fan of Dream Theater that I am, I now understand why so many people don't like them, and I really can't take sides anymore. :erk:
I agree. Which is why I generally prefer old school death metal over the newer technical death metal bands.

To me emotion and atmosphere are paramount to a good song. If a song is just technical for the sake of being technical then it almost always ends up sounding empty and meaningless to me.

Listening to an album that focuses entirely on being impressive from a technical point of view is like watching an incredibly well directed movie with a horrible script.
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